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OFFICIAL FIFA Infinity X Moddingway FIFA 14 (HBZ Mod 20/21 Season)

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Hello Harry, I hope you read this message before I release the video and can include it, in reality they are not great things, but note that the Libertadores Cup has a name by default, the Latin Cup, it is not serious but it could change the name, the South American Cup is very good.
Release what video?
Yes, I understand that not all the names are correct, but I only offer limited support for other languages and last season when I updated Tournament names and club names people complained they were no longer in their language. It's a lose, lose for me.
Another thing is with the number of the PSG kit, pink, the numbers are properly black, in their mod they are white.
I'll update that when I do the transfers
@Harry BullZak any chance you could also share your slider set during your stream tonight?
Also, sorry if you already said it, which of the two gameplay options available do you use yourself?
Honestly, I can't find them. I put them on a drive whilst I was testing and can't find them. When I can I'll post them. You probably won't like them though :D
how to activate scoreboards in game? I'm pressing all the numbers, which should activate them according to scoreboard manager, but nothing is happening. And why is the scoreboard from Copa Del Rey, but the players squares at the bottom of the screen (on who's got the ball) are from the CL...scoreboard manager is a mess, it's not working at all...help?
You have to install them before you start the game. Is it not clear in this video?
Why game play mechnics is so fucked up
How to restore it to v2.0??

Mod is great but sometime players physical stats don't grow properly
Right. I am only going to say this once. SO ALL OF YOU READ and don't ask again.


As for player growth, physical attributes grow just fine.

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
FIP14 v303 ICONS (2).png



Club Supporter
Good to see that we're on our way.
@Harry BullZak thank you again for all your work! We understand that it isn't done yet and will take some more time. There'll be more bugs and more fixes, but we're getting there.
Hello Harry, I hope you read this message before I release the video and can include it, in reality they are not great things, but note that the Libertadores Cup has a name by default, the Latin Cup, it is not serious but it could change the name, the South American Cup is very good.
I think the names can be edited in the Creation Master 15 program.
I changed the name of the Colombian league and reflected the change without problems
Honestly, I can't find them. I put them on a drive whilst I was testing and can't find them. When I can I'll post them. You probably won't like them though :D

You never know! I am currently using Matt10 sliders without gameplay mods, but seeing your stream the other day I thought it would be great to try to play with your settings.
Harry would like to ask you a question: Is there a way to install the bookmarks manually? I have an error with FP scoreboard.exe. I cannot open it so I would like to know if I can install manually for each league. , without mixing them one league with another. it's possible
I Have a problem of tournament on new version,3.3, there is no tournament as it is not highlighted when I want to click. How can l fix it?


Club Supporter
Harry thanks for amazing patch, question for all, which gameplay si better ( and which is harder), F14 beta990 Difficulty Mod or F14 shorelooser beta990 Advanced AI?
You have to install them before you start the game. Is it not clear in this video?

You just talk about changing the numbers here, but not how to work the scoreboard manager. Does this 2XXX. 3XXX and so on means that we need to change the numbers in overlays folder, or actually in the scoreboard manager, under which number we save each scoreboard? Do you need to have specific scoreboards on specific numbers (1-9, 0) saved in the manager settings for them to work properly?
How about I just tell you exactly my preferences, and maybe you can tell me exactly what I must do for it to properly work?
I want La Liga Scoreboard 2019 and CL 2020, and maybe Copa 2019. I know now that I need to install all three first through the scoreboard manager, but how to put them into the settings in the manager so that they will work properly?under which numbers?
Cause right now I have two installed: La Liga 2019 saved at number one, and CL 2020 at number 2 and yet when I go in game, the scoreboard is from La Liga, but popups are CL. And does it change automatically to the CL scoreboard when you play a CL game? Or do I have to activate it before every game? And speaking of activating, I also don't know how to change them in game (pressing 1 and 2, where I have the scoreboards saved doesn't change anything (like you said in the video that we'd just have to go into the in game menu, press it and after resuming game it would change, it never does that for me). Do I have to press something else, or maybe something extra, not just the number, under which the particular scoreboard is saved for it to work? Hopefully you take the time and read all this and try and explain it all. Would be much appreciated.
View attachment 60989

nice update, hey i was wondering if its possible that you could add the san lorenzo de almagro stadium "pedro bidegain" and argentinos juniors stadium "diego armando maradona", in the coming stadium pack, i saw them in gonzaga's thread long ago, i could add them by myself but the problem is that i dont know how to use stadium server and i dont want to mess the mod lol. so i would be really grateful if you could add them, thanks again for this amazing mod and take care my friend.
Thank you harry for your dedication and work.
And for the mod it's simply brilliant...but I came up some players which are missing ( players like frank Castaneda, H R Murphy of derby county ). So if you look into the matter it would be greatful