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Official, Alternatives Kits for FIFA 12-16


I took it from the oficial EAFC home kit, and did a retouch for more accurate colors and details. FIFA badge added.

Today against Nottingham it must be a win. Difficult times for manchester city fans.

I suggest you create a lot of jerseys for the top teams to make career fun.
For fifa legendary every team will have a 4th special concept kit. Then the 6th and 7th will be the home and away kit but with UCL badge and armband. The most important teams will have their training kit added. All of them I'll release here.
For fifa legendary every team will have a 4th special concept kit. Then the 6th and 7th will be the home and away kit but with UCL badge and armband. The most important teams will have their training kit added. All of them I'll release here.
Nice .

Thanks bro.
I was cooking this kit for quite some time. This would be a exclusive kit for FIFA legendary, but I'll release this beauty here. For me my best work by now. Few adjust to be done. The gameplay with it is absolute beautiful.

So, to help with a little question my friend asked me. He was already using a kit in the 4th slot for Real Madrid. So he wanted to use it in another slot. It's very easier to change it.

the kit file is named this way: kit_243_4_0.rx3, the kits can be set till the slot 10, so if you want to use in another slot, you just need to change the number kit_243_"4"_0. So as he wanted to use this kit as number 5th, he just needed to name the file this way kit_243_5_0.

Hope this can helpful.
ОПУБЛИКОВАН 4-Й КОНЦЕПТ-КОМПЛЕКТ ARSENAL - Я немного горжусь тем, что создал этот комплект - он действительно прекрасен в игровом процессе и прост. Наслаждайтесь поклонниками Arsenal. Скоро выйдет 6-й концепт.

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