I can make mini faces in this shape, in this order, delete in CM 11 Hair Model, delete in CM 11 3D Head Model, delete in CM 11 Hair Color Image, delete in CM 11 Face Texture Image, then in this order place in CM 11 the Hair Color Image with size 512 x 256, then place in CM 11 the Face Texture Image with size 512 x 512, import the original 3D hair model and then import the original 3D head model, then you can take a "photo" for a mini face. Attention, when you close and open CM 11 again, you can't take a photo for the mini face, because you have the initial problem, but you will have a good mini face in CM 11 and when you play you have an excellent face and a good mini face in game. If you want, you can put again Tokke's original face texture image, size 1024 x 1024 in CM 11.