Hi guys,
I'm trying to find the various patches that were released for 2002 FIFA World Cup the EA game which added the Netherlands national teams (which was unlicensed in FIFA 2002 & not included in the World Cup game that year). I'm trying to compare the ratings, kits and to see if they had added commentaries for individual players. I also want to see if anyone managed to add Holland/Netherlands as a separate team, rather than just overwriting another one.
Holland Dream Patch (HDP, Mohammed Zakariya Mohammed):
Netherlands Team Patch (fifa-mra, Ahmed El Hawary):
Holland Super Patch (FIFA-il): (had the filename: wc2002hollandsuperPatch.zip)
2002 FIFA World Cup Holland Patch (FIFA Benelux, had the filename: fboranjepatch_en.exe)
EDIT: I found version 1 here: http://www.fifakorea.net/pds/detail...0400&page=8&flag=&keyword=&sc_title=&sc_memo=
but I am looking for version 2 if it exists.
Holland to the World Cup patch (Joris from Soccer-Gamez.nl, this is the only one I managed to download from FIFA Korea):
I'm trying to find the various patches that were released for 2002 FIFA World Cup the EA game which added the Netherlands national teams (which was unlicensed in FIFA 2002 & not included in the World Cup game that year). I'm trying to compare the ratings, kits and to see if they had added commentaries for individual players. I also want to see if anyone managed to add Holland/Netherlands as a separate team, rather than just overwriting another one.
Holland Dream Patch (HDP, Mohammed Zakariya Mohammed):
Netherlands Team Patch (fifa-mra, Ahmed El Hawary):
Holland Super Patch (FIFA-il): (had the filename: wc2002hollandsuperPatch.zip)
2002 FIFA World Cup Holland Patch (FIFA Benelux, had the filename: fboranjepatch_en.exe)
EDIT: I found version 1 here: http://www.fifakorea.net/pds/detail...0400&page=8&flag=&keyword=&sc_title=&sc_memo=
but I am looking for version 2 if it exists.
Holland to the World Cup patch (Joris from Soccer-Gamez.nl, this is the only one I managed to download from FIFA Korea):