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Most goals you've scored in a game

Honest Man

Youth Team
The most goals I've ever scored in one game is nine. We won
14 - 3. I only remember two of them well. My first goal was a chip over the keeper when he was out to collect it and my third goal which I slotted into the net, then tripped over the goalie and fell into the net too. The rest I can't remember too well.


Senior Squad
the natural hat trick for me

i consider myself much more of a provider from the wings or just withdrawn from the forwards. but when i score the goals are usually gem's.

last game in indoor, i was trailing a corner kick, the ball was driven through the middle, i think it took a little deflection cause it caught a little bounce, it rolled to me about 15-20 yards out from teh goal and i caught it on the volley with my left and drove it inside the post


Fan Favourite
Once my team won like 15-17 to 3 or something and i scored like 13-15 goals, can't even remember. I was like schooling everyone, nobody wanted to play goal for them, because i had a really hard shot, so everyone was just scared.

It was indoor soccer league btw, with the pitch length of like 25 metres maybe, 5-aside, so don't think that i am that good, lol.


Youth Team
I've only scored a couple [2] of hattricks on youth teams. The other one of them was on a practise match.

I've always suffered that I've been forced to play on the wing even though I'm better as pure centre forward.


Fan Favourite
Originally posted by Eng4WorldCup
last year, quarter finals. we lost 13-10, i got all 10...
lol, Rugby style!

BTW that must have sucked that you scored 10 goals but your team still lost, i would have been pissed at everybody who played.


Starting XI
Originally posted by Help?
lol, Rugby style!

BTW that must have sucked that you scored 10 goals but your team still lost, i would have been pissed at everybody who played.
lol - hell yea. my team suc.ked, we let in the simplest goals. but i have to admit, the other teams defence was retarded - they gave me the ball in front of the goal for at least 3 of those goals.


Club Supporter
I have had a couple 3-4 goal games. The best one I think I had was on my birthday. My team was down 2-0 in the 2nd half and I scored 3 to win. I thought it was pretty cool.


Youth Team
ive scored 3 doubles but never had a hat trick which sorta sucks but im only a mid-fielder which is cool


Reserve Team
last season I scored doubles like 4 times, but in one match i scored 2 the first 7 minutes and then I got injured and we lost 4-2