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Senior Squad
Flags Girondins de Bordeaux:

The rx3 is here: http://fifafrance.soforums.com/t289-Saison-2015-16.htm#p8395



Senior Squad
berxeneize;3864516 said:
Since it donwload? He says to me that I have to answer a few questions, the truth that I do not understand
Yes. I had forgetten that. Sorry
There is new rules on this forum. You need to made a post to see a link.
The administrator choose this way of doing because of a lot of people come on the forum, download a lot of things, and never post only one message.
So, I'm not sure, but only post an "thanks you very much", allow you to see the links.
But if you prefer a "molokodrinker you're very great". You can too. :tongue:


Starting XI
come on, do not be depressed, you have an excellent work, just in this branch there are few who comes. waiting for your new works)))


Senior Squad
I don't have a lot of time. And I stay on fifa15. So made some things for fifa16 or for 2015-16 season and be alone killed my motivation.
I will always do some little things like french ligue 1 tattoo, but only some things I can import in my fifa15. I stop making things for the season 2015-2016.