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Mohammed Zidan


so, i have him on my team, and this kid is just one of the most amazing players i've ever seen on FM, does anybody else share my opinion?


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
i never seemed to have a problem with him, even when he wasn't playing regularly, although i eventually sold him for £62mill to Barca... who sold him a year later to Deportivo for 17mill lol

although he played very well for me indeed.

Nikos Mihalakos

Reserve Team
Dazmania said:
i never seemed to have a problem with him, even when he wasn't playing regularly, although i eventually sold him for £62mill to Barca... who sold him a year later to Deportivo for 17mill lol

although he played very well for me indeed.

damn mate you got yourself a really good deal. I won't say the same for Barca
What is the best Pos to play him in? Fili? Where do you have him/where do I put him to get 62 mill for him?


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
AhmedK said:
What is the best Pos to play him in? Fili? Where do you have him/where do I put him to get 62 mill for him?

I generally played him as a second striker behind a target man like RVN, giving him a bit of freedom and he created and scored some great goals. Although i also played him quite alot as an Attacking Central Mid and he did well, he's also quite capable as a winger because of his dribbling.

So overall i think he played best for me in a role that he had quite alot of freedom in - 2nd striker or AM.

Although i think i was quite lucky to make a 60.8mill profit on him (H)

Well i've also managed to seel Alan Smith for £80mill to Chelsea from 'boro once :p


yeah, exactly how i use him. when i use him i often put him immidiately behind the target striker(ruud, eto'o), normally with an arrow going up. i tend to put him as an AM but just a bit to the right, and the striker a bit to the left, know what i mean?


Team Captain
he was a backup for me at Man City... time on the bench turned him into a whiney little bitchass faggot, so I sold him to Arsenal for 7 or 8M... where I'm glad to say he spend another 2 or 3 seasons IN THE RESERVES (H)
have you guys tried him as a straight striker?

I play a 3-2-2-1-2, Vaart as my AMC, Robben,Sneijder,or Ronaldo filling in the 2 mid spots, so he is not going to be playing there. Should I just sell him if I am just going to be using him as a striker?

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
I played him as an AMR and he was amazing. Arount 8.50 average rating, a sh*t load of assists and a few goals. Unfortunately the guy has always been a complete arsehole in the games I've had him in. Sold him to Chelsea for 45 milllion last game.