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Editing the Spanish cups


Can you make any trophy?
The more difficult... the more time...
I have finished the two Spanish cups,... and I will try to make the new CWC trophy,... if I am not happy with the result, I will leave the old one that I already have...
But I doubt that I will make more trophies for now,... it means a lot of time that I need to finish my RSG25 mod
New video of the "RSG25" mod, with the latest updates of the mod for Sporting de Gijón: custom audio (entrance hymn, chants...), custom tracksuit, faces of most of the squad and the manager (pending improvements to some textures), custom outfit for the manager...
The RSG25 mod is compatible with the "KO FC25 Scoreboard" mod (Spanish scoreboards)

Isn't it possible to copy the 32 team world cup format for this CWC?
Initially, I will leave the simple format of the Intercontinental Cup final,... in the new format there are still no official balls, no banners, no badges and I am not sure that the logo will be the final one.
Mod RSG25, first final version.
The folder consists of 3 files: two mods (General and Faces) to use with FET and the squads file (it is essential to load it to be able to use the competitions and faces...)
