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Marvin Young?


Club Supporter
Hey everybody, I'm a new member here and hope to get some good responses to my questions.

I have been playing soccer since I was 10 years old, and am still going strong, and at the moment I am in the process of finding agents to help me with moving forward in my soccer career so that I may be one of the top players in the world, as we all want to =P

So at the moment, I have been contacted by a person by the name of Marvin Young. Now, there are a lot of scammers in the world and I really don't want to be caught in that situation.

I am also wondering about himself as an agent. So my questions are:

Does anyone know about Marvin Young?

Has anyone had some personal experience with the guy?

What sort of satisfaction were you given by his service etc if you have dealt with him?

Thanks guys, hope to hear from you soon =)



Club Supporter
Marvin Young?

Hey There,

I'm also new in this forum just joined, I got an email from this guy to. I'm replied to his email though will keep you updated what he says.



Club Supporter
Marvin Young

My son has also been contacted by Marvin Young recently and Mr Young and I have exchanged several emails over the past week. I would love to discuss this with another adult/parent. If anyone is willing, please post another reply with information on how I can contact you.

-Concerned Parent


Club Supporter
Hi there people, Marvin young contacted me to advise that he had trials that I could attend. I had to send a Money Order before sending details. The money order was requested in the name of "Rob Barry". Since then, I have not received correspondence from him despite several emails.

Has anybody had a similar experience and should we be doing something.
lol.. spam, from the look of it. i dont think people should go and trust this "marvin young"


Club Supporter
Sakhi;2491286 said:

I've sent you an email - not sure if you've recieved it.

But you seem to know something that you are not telling, is there?

Please help as it seems that there are a lot of people relying on this person (or supposed person) and I don't want anyone to be a victim of something they do not deserve.

Thank you,


Make America Great Again
Never get involved with someone who wants money before he does anything. When he finds you a club, then he can get a cut of your salary, not before. Anyone who wants cash before hand, especially in the form of a MONEY ORDER (!!!!!!) is a scammer. I know it seems great that someone is taking notice of your career and all, but don't send this guy any money. He's asking for it under an alias, I mean Jesus Christ dude!


Club Supporter
Marvin Young...continued

I've received more emails from Marvin Young on behalf of my son. His story seems to be consistent...he has promised 3-weeks in Europe all expenses paid for me and my son, including prepaid airfare, accommodations, meals, etc and trials with 5 different clubs in various European countries. He "guaranteed" my son a position on a youth club and a weekly salary. He has asked for a Money Order of $550 be sent to Rob Barry to cover Medical insurance required by the league. If you check FIFA's web site, you'll find a Marvin Young listed as a Player Agent for the country of England ?

Scam .... sure seems like it to me. But if I can wait to pay the $550 after I get to England and I get a pre-paid roundtrip airfare and prepaid accommodations, I at least get a free trip to England.

I'll keep you posted.


Reserve Team
interesting...i found what you were talking about, derrick. for everyone else, he's listed here
yet he has no contact information aside from an address? someone want to send a (snail mail? shudder) letter to this guy? i have a feeling someone else is using his name to rob people of their hard-earned money. the real marvin young probably wants to know this.


Club Supporter
Well I decided to try something:

I made another account and emailed him saying that a close friend told me about you etc and I am very interested etc. What do ya know, a reply very soon.

The guy's a dickhead scammer. Do not fall for this.


Club Supporter
the tank ,

My boy has been contacted by Marvin, I have dates,clubs,He is waiting for me to send 450 euro for insurance.
All I can find out about this guy is that he is registered with Fifa as a scout, there is a list of agents registered in England but he is the only one with no contact details as in phone numbers there is an address only???


Club Supporter
aveneri;2491624 said:
the tank ,

My boy has been contacted by Marvin, I have dates,clubs,He is waiting for me to send 450 euro for insurance.
All I can find out about this guy is that he is registered with Fifa as a scout, there is a list of agents registered in England but he is the only one with no contact details as in phone numbers there is an address only???

Scouts contact people by watching them on the field. No normal agent would talk to a player about an opportunity who they have never met and have no details about.

Clearly the guy is a bull**** scammer. He charged me 250 Euros, now for you it's 450.

Seriously don't make the same mistake I did.


Club Supporter
The Tank

Did you send any money to this guy.
I have gone as far as ringing the London exchange and a M.Young lives at the address stated on the FIFA list private number.
Have also checked a club that he is to trial and they are expecting him.
He is to trial with 3 other clubs and this evening I will contact them also.
Which part of the world are you from Tank.
I'm from Australia.


Club Supporter
Marvin Young continued


See my earlier posts. I'm still certain this is a scam but some of the information is proving to be true. My son has privately contacted several of the clubs mentioned by Marvin Young and at least one of them responded to say they were expecting Mr Young.

Also, my son received instructions to send a $550 money order (U.S.) to Rob Barry at 49 Lavenders Garden, London. Mr Young asked me to send a $550 money order to him, Marvin Young, at 49 Lavenders Garden. I searched the web and 49 Lavenders Garden is a nightclub/comedy club in London.

I've also tried to contact FIFA but haven't received a response yet. Feel free to email me at [email protected].