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Madangies pes conversion Stadiums


Senior Squad
No i don´t have rhino but i have contacts who will help us so be patient i will be updating but hope madangie will release a few stadiums at least to say hello


Youth Team
What a shame Madangie has left, I thought his stadiums were the best on the forum. I was looking forward to Molyneux, Selhurst Park and Turf Moor. Is there anyone out there who knows how to convert the PES stadiums?



Youth Team
I don't know why....

I've downloaded some stadiums in this thread (Upton Park, St.Andrews, Ewood Park, Ibrox, Madejski, Craven Cottage) , they all have weird crashing problems. If I use these stadiums, no matter what teams I play the game will just crash afterwards, except for combinations like AIK Vs Leeds....why???


Senior Squad
Probably you have 2gk kits or adbords installed.
To make sure that all the stadiums work you should have all your grafics in 1gk.


Youth Team
bruno167;2339465 said:
Probably you have 2gk kits or adbords installed.
To make sure that all the stadiums work you should have all your grafics in 1gk.

But I didn't install any adboards!!! How come does it crash???

And which box should I check for graphics for stadiums???


Senior Squad
Open CM and in the teams tab select a team which stadium crash.
Go to the kits tab and check if they are 512x512. Go to assets tab and check if the adboards size is 256x64, balls 128x128 and flags 128x64.
If not resize them with the fsh resizer.

Then chose other team and do the same.
Save, go to the game and play a game in the new stadium between the 2 teams.
If don´t crash the problems are the 2gk grafics.

If still crashes, tell me how full is the loading bar?

Do you have any patch like CEP, World Roster update etc?

What language do you play?

Have you reset your squads?


Starting XI
Yeah, hey by the way... good for you and the Panama national team... too bad for Cucuta Deportivo who lost Blas Perez in a key moment... it´s so unfornate.


Do NOT give me Upton Park stadium.
does anybody know how to successfully add custom adboards to the stadiums?

Ive been trying to add custom adboards to Upton Park using Creation Centre but it doesnt seem to work

Could somebody please run me through the process of adding custom adboards to Madangie's stadiums?

Many thanks!
all the best,


Youth Team
CARRICK;2354467 said:
does anybody know how to successfully add custom adboards to the stadiums?

Ive been trying to add custom adboards to Upton Park using Creation Centre but it doesnt seem to work

Could somebody please run me through the process of adding custom adboards to Madangie's stadiums?

Many thanks!
all the best,

That is because UPTON PARK stadium has it's own built adboards from when it was built! I also tried and it didn't work!