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Lyon charged for Publicly Humiliating Werder Bremen!


Senior Squad
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! not only do they destroy teams in CL..... They have won thier domesitic league like 3 yrs in a row?????? now goin for 4 or is it 3........ God what a team......


Reserve Team
Lyon has built an amazing team. They could pull a Porto this year. You know they're pretty amazing when Wiltord scores a hattrick


Reserve Team
Originally posted by manutd4eva
Remove the score from the thread title man, some people are planning to watch the game delayed.:|

sorry man! 7-2! HOLY ****!!!! Wiltord is playing amazing!



Fan Favourite
Werder got their asses kicked down a flight a stairs and out an open window. Daaaaaaaaamn 10-2 :o That has got to hurt. BTW Wiltord has been doing wonders for the side. A hattrick? I really didn't think he had it in him, but he's been something special this year in France.


Team Captain
Lyon is my dark horse pick. A very well balanced team they have put together.

Wiltord looks like a proven goalscorer who's never done anything else in his career. :D

Bremen haha (H)


Reserve Team
Originally posted by SB9Dragon
Werder got their asses kicked down a flight a stairs and out an open window. Daaaaaaaaamn 10-2 :o That has got to hurt. BTW Wiltord has been doing wonders for the side. A hattrick? I really didn't think he had it in him, but he's been something special this year in France.

heh I know, wiltord is playing some of his best football @ lyon.


Fan Favourite
Do you guys really think that Lyon can win the CL? No one thought Porto could do it... but I mean Lyon? I'm not so sure.


Team Captain
Originally posted by SB9Dragon
Do you guys really think that Lyon can win the CL? No one thought Porto could do it... but I mean Lyon? I'm not so sure.
I honestly think that any team left in the quarters can win it all. The best team does not always win, you need a lot luck in these knockout stages.


Fan Favourite
Originally posted by SB9Dragon
Do you guys really think that Lyon can win the CL? No one thought Porto could do it... but I mean Lyon? I'm not so sure.

They could, but teams like Chelsea and Milan are looking pretty menacing at the moment. Milan plays some of the best defensive football I've ever seen from a football team, and, Chelsea are pretty good themselves both in attack and defense.

I think it will be a Chelsea vs Milan final, at least that's what I want.


Senior Squad
WOW Lyon can score, and i mean Werder is not that bad of a team, not the best but still its not like they are crap 10-2 total Amazing