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Leagues Pack


Youth Team
Please, forgive me, I'm a big piece of lazy shit!

First, let's think that the Kits window on CM has 3 columns: left with textures preview and its options, middle with the texyure screen and numbers options, and right with the colors & font options.

For example, we want to fix Bangor City kits (ID 130079).
1. Import the cmp as usual, save all.
- (optionally) on the "data table" stage (before press Import button) write the value of the Bangor's kitnumber and font and its colours (e.g. kitnumber25Blue, 25White, ..., font12)
2. Open CM, go to the Kits tab, select 'Bangor Away', then delete it by clicking Remove button (white blank with red crest on the right corner above).
3. Repeat the 2nd step with Home & GK kits (and with Third, if exists, I don't remember exactly).
4. Save all, reopen CM.
5. Change the *.cmp file to *.zip, unzip it anywhere you want (expect the FIFA folder, of course)
6. Open CM again, go to the Kits tab, select ANY default kit (e.g. Germany home), then click the Clone button (nearby the Remove button).
7. Assigning new kits window will appear. Select the "Team:Bangor City, Type:Home" options and click OK. New kit for Bangor will be created, but it contains the German textures' copy.
8. Now we should to change them to "native" Bangor's ones. Press the Import rx3 button (on the bottom of the textures preview on the left column). Open file dialog will be shown. Go to the unzipped cmp from the 5th step, then go to "data/sceneassets/kits", select the "kit130079_0_0" file, then click OK and import it. The new texture must be replace the copied German one.
9. Click the Save button on the left corner, nearby the Import button (I said the button on the left, not the File->Save!).
If you did the optional actions in the 1st step, go to 10+11+12th step, otherwise go to the 13th one.
(optionally) 10. Now fix the kitnumbers. Go to the lower section of the middle column, select the font set number (I use 25, but you can use anything you want) instead of the German 38th one. Then select the appropriate color. You can use the values you wrote down before.
11. If the 25th texture won't be shown (and the error window will appear), it means the numbers texture hasn't been imported, we have to do that manually. Click the Conyinue button on the error window, then click rhe Import rx3 button on the bottom of the numbers view, then select "data/sceneassets/kitnumbers" -> "kitnumber25_X" -> OK and import it. Where X = the color's ID (0 = white, 1 = black, etc).
12. And fix the kit colors and the font type. Assign the correct kit colors (=texture main colors) on the top of the right column, then assign the correct font number below (no import needed).
13. File ->Save.
14. Then Clone the Bangor Home kit, assign the type as Away.
15. Repeat the 8th-13th steps for the Away kit (use "kit_130079_1_0" on the 8th step).
16. Repeat the 8th-13th steps for the GK and (if exists) Third kits (use "kit_130079_2_0" and "kit_130079_3_0" respectively).
17. File -> Save.
18. Close and reopen CM. Check if the changes have been saved correctly.
If yes, just to fix the numbers and font location coordinates.
19. Select the Bangor Away kit, press the button with small eye on the bottom-left of the gray square in the top of the middle column. You'll see the kit 3D preview. Then press the button with the "2" icon nearby.
20. You can see the small kitnumber on the front of jersey. It elft from the old Germany texture. Uncheck the Front number option below to remove it.
21. Then fix the backnumber and and shorts number (both if needed). Go to the bottom of the left column, press the Back number (or named smth. like it) button. It will be seen as pressed. Then write the best coordinates values, MOVE THE CUSOR FOCUS ON ANY OTHER INPUT TYPE and click Save (the same button as in the 9th step). Wait some seconds.
22. Re-press the button with eye,Drag'n'rotate the kit 3D preview and check if the positions are correct. If not, repeat the 21th step with the other values (assign the exact digits experimentally).
23. Unpress the Back number button and press the Shorts number buttin, repeat the 21th-22th steps with it.
24. Finally, repeat the 19th-23rd steps with the Bangor GK, Home and Third (if exists) kits.
25. File ->Save.
26. Close and reopen CM. Check if the changes have been saved correctly. If yes, you can try to play!


Club Supporter
anybody have below leagues in cmp files?

Superettan (sweden 2nd division)
Adeccoligaen (norway 2nd division)
Meistriliiga (estonia)
Kazakh Premier League


Youth Team
augustos;3918632 said:
anybody have below leagues in cmp files?

Superettan (sweden 2nd division)
Adeccoligaen (norway 2nd division)
Meistriliiga (estonia)
Kazakh Premier League

Hmm, i forgot, I'll add Kazakhstan League.
I don't have the other 3.


Club Supporter
Great Work!!

Please could you explain how to edit the tournaments with creation master and functioning mode manager too?


Club Supporter
Error importing leagues

Hi, I've got download some leagues from the pack right here, but the problem is when I try to import to my FIFA and create an error making some (Team XXXX). I don't which would be the problem.



Youth Team
First post has been updated again. Added Kazakhstan & Azerbaijan leagues, also share the links to the UAE, Qatar & Chinese leagues.