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Is this a record? and a RAM question.

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
I've built myself a new tactic which I've been using with my Rennes team this season. It's been a bit of a monster so far across all comps and in playing against minnows in the French Cup I've got this (see screenie). I've never had all outfield 10s before. Anybody else had this at all or often?

RAM question: O.K, so I play FM on a pretty low end machine, which has a measly 160K of RAM and a 600MHZ processor. Unsuprisingly the game runs really slowly between dates and simulating other results. I'm looking at taking a 512K RAM card out of my work machine (which I don't want games on) to rectify this. Will that make the game run much quicker or is the current lack of processor speed the more important factor in the games running speed?



Fan Favourite
Great ratings there.

About the RAM I think it'll go much faster with 512 mb but still it'll be slow I think.


Fan Favourite
I've had all 10s on CM4. But hey, that was because it was CM4 and the ratings system was even more screwed up :p

Adding all that RAM will indeed speed up the game a lot. Cody knows a bunch about the low CPU speeds, so I'll believe that it shouldn't hamper you.


Starting XI
Nah, it wont be slow with 512mb added, take that from me.

You sure about that, i got 512 mb of ram and it still slows down at times. It goes like this i load up FM everything is running fine and fast i play maybe 5 games on extened highlights than on the 6th game the 2d game engine is lagging on me so i switch to commentary mode to fix this. Otherwise yes it does run pretty fast. BTW this is on small db with only 1 league.

Or maybe it could just be that i have other problems with my computer, im planning on updating everything very soon like motherbord, cpu and more/newer ram.

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
rpvankasteren said:
I've had all 10s on CM4. But hey, that was because it was CM4 and the ratings system was even more screwed up :p

Adding all that RAM will indeed speed up the game a lot. Cody knows a bunch about the low CPU speeds, so I'll believe that it shouldn't hamper you.

CM4. Oh, I remember that *shudders* I think that I played it for about 3 hours before I unistalled it again and went back to CM 01/02 until FM 2005 came out.

Anyway, thanks for the information lads. I'll just take one of my cards out and bung the 512K in then. That will give me a total of 640K from the current 160K so I'll look forward to a significant difference.


Fan Favourite
Socrates said:
You sure about that, i got 512 mb of ram and it still slows down at times. It goes like this i load up FM everything is running fine and fast i play maybe 5 games on extened highlights than on the 6th game the 2d game engine is lagging on me so i switch to commentary mode to fix this. Otherwise yes it does run pretty fast. BTW this is on small db with only 1 league.

Or maybe it could just be that i have other problems with my computer, im planning on updating everything very soon like motherbord, cpu and more/newer ram.

A lagging 2d match is because of the motherboard, not the RAM, I had this, and it got fixed by a better motherboard.

The Kop Kid

Senior Squad
Nah, it's not the match engine that has been bothering me mate, it's the time that it has been taking for the computer to go through simulating other teams results for any given competition and the time it takes for the computer to move between dates. A large group of international friendlies for example takes forever to simulate. I usually play them in the background and use the time to look around at players but it's still gets frustrating at times. I'll put the RAM in anyway and see what happens.


Senior Squad
yes, i've had all 10's before. even with using 3 subs, but only late in the game when most of it become quite unrealistic.


SG Sheffield Authority
The Kop Kid said:
Anyway, thanks for the information lads. I'll just take one of my cards out and bung the 512K in then. That will give me a total of 640K from the current 160K so I'll look forward to a significant difference.

Total of 640mb you mean - 640k would be hardly anything! :D

You may want to get a bit more processing power. If your PC is a pentium 3 600mhz, you may be able to find one of the old Tulatin core P3's on ebay, the ones that scaled to 1ghz+. Or if you are on AMD, the old thunderbirds (1ghz+) may work. Although I'd say if you have £200-£300'ish to spend (don't ask how) you could bung together a decent computer for gaming. :)


Fan Favourite
yeah, the place i used to work sold computers for like 300euros. 512ram, 120gb HDD 2.8ghz celeron, dont realy remember mobo name, ASrock most probably, but it had prety much most of the other stuff onboard. (Lan/Gfx/sound) And this im tokin about is a pre-summer version. So in general with the same amount of money now u can get something little better..

btw 640k was almost unreal once uppon a time. awww I remember the time i was trying to get my computer have the amazing memory size of 1 mb :wootman: :( Never happened on that computer :P