The Kop Kid
Senior Squad
I've built myself a new tactic which I've been using with my Rennes team this season. It's been a bit of a monster so far across all comps and in playing against minnows in the French Cup I've got this (see screenie). I've never had all outfield 10s before. Anybody else had this at all or often?
RAM question: O.K, so I play FM on a pretty low end machine, which has a measly 160K of RAM and a 600MHZ processor. Unsuprisingly the game runs really slowly between dates and simulating other results. I'm looking at taking a 512K RAM card out of my work machine (which I don't want games on) to rectify this. Will that make the game run much quicker or is the current lack of processor speed the more important factor in the games running speed?
RAM question: O.K, so I play FM on a pretty low end machine, which has a measly 160K of RAM and a 600MHZ processor. Unsuprisingly the game runs really slowly between dates and simulating other results. I'm looking at taking a 512K RAM card out of my work machine (which I don't want games on) to rectify this. Will that make the game run much quicker or is the current lack of processor speed the more important factor in the games running speed?