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IEM v3.5 (128 New National Teams, the National League, Superettan, Serie B, Balkan League, CAF Super League, Brazilian Serie A, 57 New ROW Clubs)

I had not known beforehand about other mods adding the Balkan Super League, but in general, I thought that making leagues based on regions instead of specific countries would be a good idea to make more teams playable to users. As a matter of fact, aside from the African Super League and the Balkan Super League, there are 3 more region-based leagues to be added to IEM v3.5.
When is the mod dropping? :)


Club Supporter
48 to 72 hours bro
just wanted to point out, u hv taken a lot of time from 3.0 to 3.5 so I don't care if some more is required but I want the mod to be without any bugs.. so hopefully u guys hv done a lot of testing and trials in various scenarios etc. especially the career.. I don't want any crashes because when I start a journey I am emotionally involved in it :-D
In anticipation of the release of IEM v3.5, this is a map. inspired by the EEP map, featuring all of IEM's teams, including ones added in v3.5, clubs and national teams. This should help get more people to know about the clubs and where every team is where.

IEM Added Teams - Google My Maps

In addition, I have also attached an IEM IDs list as a reference to know which IDs are assigned to which teams.

In anticipation of the release of IEM v3.5, this is a map. inspired by the EEP map, featuring all of IEM's teams, including ones added in v3.5, clubs and national teams. This should help get more people to know about the clubs and where every team is where.

IEM Added Teams - Google My Maps

In addition, I have also attached an IEM IDs list as a reference to know which IDs are assigned to which teams.


Incredible these national teams, differentiated

mainly from Oceania

Will it be possible to play with them in CAREER MODE?
After steam auto update my career mode save got corrupted, IEM version is not working anymore. Any helps bro? Its said that Mod was created for a diff game version, so the legacy files inside the mod probaly wont work.
In anticipation of the release of IEM v3.5, this is a map. inspired by the EEP map, featuring all of IEM's teams, including ones added in v3.5, clubs and national teams. This should help get more people to know about the clubs and where every team is where.

IEM Added Teams - Google My Maps

In addition, I have also attached an IEM IDs list as a reference to know which IDs are assigned to which teams.

WOW. It's huge!