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Hyundai A-league .cmp patch


Youth Team
let me do Adelaide - as a dedicated Adelaide fan I would be able to do a very accurate roster - any others you want to do, go ahead - it will help get the patch out quicker.

Shouldn't take me too much longer to to the jerseys - however there's also a few things like the new ball, new adboards to do.


Club Supporter
try for the new ball ball 62 in cm

mate u can do adelaide and wellington i do the rest

also any1 that is making a stadium how is that going


Club Supporter
done ccm now

should hav syd new perth done in a few hours

matt pm me ur email adress so i can send u the files


Senior Squad
now i know this probly isnt the best place to post this, but i just would like to post my first attempt at a kit here as this is really the only thread for the a-league on here... its a fantasy queensland roar kit using lotto

let me know what you think


Senior Squad
Troyboy;2395242 said:
awesome kit mater

why dont u try the other 7 a-league teams then we can use them as 3rd kits

i will start up my own thread taking requests... but you cant expect too much quality in what i make as i am only new to this:D


Club Supporter
I am definately keen to see the new patch! Have just discovered the old one and am loving it!
Am also happy to help out with it...

Look forward to hearing more about it!


Club Supporter
I have played FIFA 2007 with your patch. It is excellent. I am looking forward to an updated version. Keep up the excellent work.


Youth Team
Hey guys, rest assured a new version of the patch will eventually get here - I have been incredibly busy, and at the moment there seems to be no rest coming, but eventually I will get around to finishing the updated version. Hopefully this will include at least one or two stadiums....

Long term, I would like to move onto fifa 08 - this already has the a-league in it (I like to think ea got inspired by my patch :P), but i'm sure some expansion and enhancement could be done - If possible I would also like to do the Asian Champions League patch (which was mentioned earlier in this thread) for fifa 08...