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HD Scoreboards for F.I.P 14 by Lesiba [No requests]

[QUOTE = "Lesiba, poste: 6602605, membre: 222085"] [ATTACH = full] 42902 [/ ATTACH] Mise à jour des sb et popups de l'UEFA Champions League 19/20 à publier avec la prochaine mise à jour du mod FIP 14 v2.
s / o à Fifaman017 *.

Qu'en pensez-vous? [/ QUOTE]

just incredible
and it's with personalized namebar ?


Starting XI
Nice! Can you fix the positioning so that the formation, commentary and officials elements are in the center of the screen?
Nice! Can you fix the positioning so that the formation, commentary and officials elements are in the center of the screen?
I cannot do that unfortunately, i don't even know where to start.

Colors are easy with Hexeditor but positions are not clear.
[QUOTE = "Lesiba, publicación: 6602713, miembro: 222085"] Lo sentimos, no hay solicitudes.
No puedo hacer ninguna promesa, pero esa es una posibilidad para el futuro. [/ QUOTE]
thanks anyway brother, equally excellent contributions, greetings

tried to make bundesliga scoreboards.....only made the scoreboards
should I make the whole overlay and popups??