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HBZ Career Mode Mod (F19-14 - 18/19 Season)

v3 will be my last EVER mod, what features are most important to you? (Pick up to 2)

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Current status - 20/01/19 - Update 2
I can now confirm that I will be releasing the first mod next Friday. With regular updates coming until the end of February.
Doing great work my man. My pc is 9 years old and 14 is best i can run. Ariel continued his thing for years and it was sad to see him leave it behind. But looking at who's got the torch, i believe your mod is gonna be terrific. And we as a community gonna troubleshoot it to the space!

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
Current status - 21/01/19
I'm happy to announce the release of the FINAL BETA for you guys to test and leave feedback before the final release on Friday.

The release is for final testing, to ensure all crashes have been removed and Career mode works. Career Mode should work correctly for all Leagues other than those stated in the second post on the first page. Installation instructions are also in that post.

The release includes new kits and balls, stadiums, crests, wipes etc but it does not include the updated faces, boots and gloves. These items are also not correctly allocated at this moment.

Squads are pre-Winter transfers. Winter transfers will be done at the close of the transfer window.

Please note: The db is locked for editing. You will not be able to open it in CM14 or CM15.

[QUOTE = "HarryBullZak, post: 6528100, membro: 203483"] Stato attuale - 21/01/19
Sono felice di annunciare l'uscita di FINAL BETA per voi ragazzi per testare e lasciare un feedback prima dell'uscita finale di venerdì.

Il rilascio è finalizzato al test finale, per garantire che tutti i crash siano stati rimossi e che la modalità Carriera funzioni. La modalità carriera dovrebbe funzionare correttamente per tutte le leghe diverse da quelle indicate nel secondo post sulla prima pagina. Le istruzioni di installazione sono anche in quel post.

La release include nuovi kit e palle, stadi, creste, salviette ecc. Ma non include i volti, gli stivali e i guanti aggiornati. Questi articoli non sono assegnati correttamente in questo momento.

Le squadre sono trasferimenti pre-invernali. I trasferimenti invernali saranno effettuati alla chiusura della finestra di trasferimento.

Nota: il db è bloccato per la modifica. Non sarà possibile aprirlo in CM14 o CM15.


non vedi gli stadi che vedi grigio, ad esempio lo stadio olimpico bagna il prosciutto
Current status - 21/01/19
I'm happy to announce the release of the FINAL BETA for you guys to test and leave feedback before the final release on Friday.

The release is for final testing, to ensure all crashes have been removed and Career mode works. Career Mode should work correctly for all Leagues other than those stated in the second post on the first page. Installation instructions are also in that post.

The release includes new kits and balls, stadiums, crests, wipes etc but it does not include the updated faces, boots and gloves. These items are also not correctly allocated at this moment.

Squads are pre-Winter transfers. Winter transfers will be done at the close of the transfer window.

Please note: The db is locked for editing. You will not be able to open it in CM14 or CM15.


Thank you so much for all the effort, this is the only way that I can enjoy FIFA with recent squads.
Remember this is just the beta version. The full version will be released on Friday.
I want to help with testing again, but this time the files are way bigger!

Is it possible for you to upload the final version in two parts (one for the files present in beta 0.4 and one for the others) so that we wouldn't have to download these 7GB twice? (in case there is no crash, of course)


Remember this is just the beta version. The full version will be released on Friday.

I was amazed with the quality of the patch! Could you solve the problem of classification of the champion and the one in Italy? Since the first 4 go directly to the cl and the 2 el.

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
I want to help with testing again, but this time the files are way bigger!

Is it possible for you to upload the final version in two parts (one for the files present in beta 0.4 and one for the others) so that we wouldn't have to download these 7GB twice? (in case there is no crash, of course)
Unfortunately I can't do that, because although it will be ok for you some people will not know how to properly remove/add the files and it will ruin the mod for them.
Fortaleza, Goiás, Avaí, CSA and some others I did not create players and I did not update 100% the caskets because it is beginning of season the clubs change a lot of players
I will update 100% when the BRAZILIAN championship starts
Ok, brilliant. Thank you very much. I had a look earlier. You've done a very good job so far.
I was amazed with the quality of the patch! Could you solve the problem of classification of the champion and the one in Italy? Since the first 4 go directly to the cl and the 2 el.
Yes, I should finish that before the first release :D
If you release final version on Friday. Is there possibility to change db with CM 14 or 15? Or you are going to lock that database and we can't change it?

Harry BullZak

Club Supporter
What about Mega, Google Drive giving me headache problems
I'll see what I can do.
If you release final version on Friday. Is there possibility to change db with CM 14 or 15? Or you are going to lock that database and we can't change it?
By default it will be locked, but YES I will explain how to unlock it.
I will however not fix any issues with anyone who edits the database. This is why I locked it.