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Good Lord

:eek: Daaamn!

I think she was in the Rhymefest & Kanye West video for 'Brand New' then some other Chingy song.

All the same "Good Lord!"


Youth Team
YO....wawawewa...I'd hit it and never quit it. Beautiful in all the right places. God Bless The USA!

Krypton X

Senior Squad
Not bad, but needs a paper bag.
Cover the face and hit the base.
She still ain't got nuttin' on Esther Baxter.



I don't find her face to be even close to as unattractive as some of you guys are saying, but regardless - I still think you are looking at the wrong places.

Back Door Skip

Staff member
EDIT: Never mind. Wrong chick. She kinda has that Kelly Rowland look going there. Not exactly a plus, but the body overshadows her face.


Red Card - Life
Life Ban
Even for a black chick with a bit of meat on her, that ass is just way too big. Just look at some of those pics, I keep expecting her to topple over because of it.