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Friendlies, Friendlys


Starting XI
Alright, i can't seem to arrange friendlys to clubs from other nations, you click on the other tab then what to you do?


Senior Squad
I don't usually arrange a lot of friendlies, but I believe what you do is click on the team that you want, and in the lower left it should have something where it would normally say "Release Statement" or whatever, and there should be an option for choosing that team for your friendly. I'm not positive however, as I'm too lazy right now to start up the demo. (I don't have the real game yet, it's coming this week in the mail!!!!!)

edit: I checked and you click on the team that you want, and in the lower left corner it says "Pick for Friendly" right below "Manager Comment".


Make America Great Again
Friendlies are stupid, so is training. I let the assistant manager handle arranging friendlies, managing friendlies, and controlling training. Friendlies don't matter for anything, so why waste your time on them? Just make sure you actually play a few of them so you are fit for the season.


Senior Squad
you know ShiftyPowers you would drastically improve the way your players develop if you took an interest in the training. THe default training scheduals are ok but nowhere near as good as if you make one up yourself or download one from one of the sites around here.


Make America Great Again
My tactics have always been good enough, so it's never been a problem. Plus, training is BORING! I don't CARE if they play pig-in-the-middle or 5 a side matches in the afternoon of wednesdays, I DON'T CARE!! Training is stupid.


Starting XI
Yeah i don't take the game to seriously, but i just want the cash from the ticket sales, thanks guys. Legends. (Y)


Senior Squad
ShiftyPowers said:
My tactics have always been good enough, so it's never been a problem. Plus, training is BORING! I don't CARE if they play pig-in-the-middle or 5 a side matches in the afternoon of wednesdays, I DON'T CARE!! Training is stupid.

But surely you care if it takes that talented youngster in your reserves 1 season as opposed to 3 to develop into a first team legend?
You dont have to know all about training as such, just go download Cleon's training scheduals, and assigned them to your players. Asside from doing that and switching them to preseason one's in the pre season and no match in the off season you dont have to do squat, or know anything to reap the rewards...


Team Captain
Home friendlies can get you revenue. You can earn around 300,000 pounds from playing against big clubs like Juventus, Arsenal etc.


Fan Favourite
usually i will try something new in friendlies unless i'm lazy, i will go on holiday for a day (H)


Fan Favourite
I always let my assistant manager arrange friendlies since I don't have the time to think about them.


Fan Favourite
yep, i always let my assistants take care of them aswell, I always think of it too late and then all the pro-teams already have friendlies planned, so they reject my offer for friendlies


Fan Favourite
Even with while managing a big club i find its hard arranging a home pre-season friendly with another big club to earn more revenue.