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Football 'prematch' playlist


Senior Squad
What's your perfect "pre-match" playlist, if you were to host a party to watch a game, or what you'd expect if you went to someones before a match, or in a fanfest situation...

always have to have U2 in their somewhere, and probably Three Lions (if ur english at least) nearing the end of the playlist as it gets closer to the match...

i'd expect some arctic monkeys from you and probably kaiser chiefs???


Staff member
Chariots of Fire
Jock Jams Megamix
Tag Team - Whoomp! There it is
Culture Beat - Mr. Vain
The Outhere Brothers - Boom Boom Boom



Senior Squad
cant beat
black sabbath - war pigs
prodigy - fire starter
phil collins - against all odds

and any hardcore screamo **** puts me in the mood to go out and go crazy and usually hurt people!

i dont believe u2 - beautiful day is any good to hype me up pre match, its overrated