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FifaYoun's Audio (Anthems, Goalsongs, Intros, etc.) - WIP (FIFA 15/16) - V2 GoalSongs released


Youth Team
V2 GoalSongs

In this thread, the focus is on audio editing/research, most of the focus is on FIFA 16, some of the things might also work for FIFA 15 and maybe 14 too.

I had worked on the national anthems for the 2022 and 2023 World Cup patch, adding the anthems for (almost) all national teams (original EA ID).

Another thing I work(ed) on is the Intromusic, the 10 second stinger you hear at the introduction of the match.

Furthermore, the original game also had the Premier League handshake anthem and a generic anthem for European games, which started playing when players shake hands. With this, I was able to add more anthems, converted from EAFC (and also custom made), for some of the top leagues/competitions.

I also tried adding club anthems as the handshake anthem. However, if there is a club anthem and a league anthem assigned (for example, assigned to Real Madrid and to the Champions League), the club anthem takes precedence in EA's system, when in reality it should be the other way around. So, they can't work together at the same time (so it's a choice between club anthems or competition anthems). There MIGHT be a workaround, which is something I am looking at.

For goalsongs, I noticed in the chants files that there is a reference to "TEAM GOAL", which meant there is some kind of function to have specific team chants play after a goal. In the files, EA only added it for 1 team, Borussia Mönchengladbach, where the crowd would chant their goalsong after a goal. Having noticed this, I tried to use this to add goalsongs for a few teams. It works, but it won't be always played (as there are other types of chants assigned to a goal event) and it might also play for the away team. More research and tests needed for a workaround.

Another option I found for club anthems, was also using the chants. If done via chants, club anthems will be played immediately during the intro sequence (which is realistic). The issue, however, is that adding music as chants (same goes for goalsongs), is that they play fully, even if you skip the intro. This means that the song could be still playing when gameplay has started and would also mean that it would still be playing during competition anthems. Once again, more research and tests needed for possible workarounds.


So, as of now, to summarise:

100% WORKING (not affecting anything else):
  • EATrax
  • IntroMusic
  • National Anthems
  • Handshake League Anthems
WORKING with game limitations (not affecting anything else):
  • Goaltunes (does not always play)
WORKING but not ideal (will affect something else):
  • Handshake club anthems (will stop league anthems being played)
  • Entrance anthems (will also play during the game)


Here some video examples of competition handshake anthems (using anthems from FIFA 23 PC):

Premier League Handshake
Ligue 1 Handshake
Ligue 2 Handshake
Serie A Handshake
Champions League Handshake
Europa League Handshake

Here some video examples of club handshake anthems (using club anthem files from FIFA 23 PC):

Here some video examples of "goaltunes":

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Youth Team
Wow! This is an amazing finding after all these years. Can you please tell us how you do it? I would love to add some more Intros and goaltunes for German teams. Thanks!

Hex editing of .sbr files, while converting the songs to EALayer3 format and adding them into .sbs files.

EAFC does have goalsongs and entrance music for (all) German teams, right? I could convert it from there.


Starting XI
most of the focus is on FIFA 16, some of the things might also work for FIFA 15 and maybe 14
It would be incredible if you could decipher how chants are linked to teams, because when exported the audio files have seemingly random names.

If we could find and export "Deutschland, Deutschland" chant and assign it to classic patch Germany 2006, Germany 2008, etc. as custom chants in F14, that would be awesome.