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FIFA23 212 NTs RTWC/Road to Euro/Copa America mod


Club Supporter
Guys, can someone help please. I have a "free copy" of FIFA 23 and I am able to use all of the the nations that are added by this mod. However, I cannot see or setup any of the qualifying tournaments. I have just been setting up custom tournaments and choosing my own nations as of now but I'd love to use the road to world cup feature and play qualifiers as well. Sorry if it's prohibited to ask for obvious reasons, but EA doesnt even own the rights to these games anymore and I cannot find an easily obtainable copy in my area. Thanks in advance. Also I am using TU 17.1 i believe
Go to Tournaments -> Domestic Tournaments -> Men's Cups and you will find a list of cups. Keep scrolling and you will see World Cup 2022, Euro 2024 and Copa America 2024.
Go to Tournaments -> Domestic Tournaments -> Men's Cups and you will find a list of cups. Keep scrolling and you will see World Cup 2022, Euro 2024 and Copa America 2024.
Dude! You are awesome and I don't know how I missed that while navigating the menus. This mod feels like what FIFA could have been if EA didn't go all in on ultimate team and rob us of a solid core experience. Thank you so much for pointing out how to find it bro.
Hi, can you confirm that in the concaf (like Cuba, Bahamas) and caf (like Tanzania, Ethiopia) qualifiers when you go to the tournaments - world cup section, when choosing the team, not all of them are present?
Thank you


Club Supporter
Hi, can you confirm that in the concaf (like Cuba, Bahamas) and caf (like Tanzania, Ethiopia) qualifiers when you go to the tournaments - world cup section, when choosing the team, not all of them are present?
Thank you
Due to compdata limitations, we can have maximum 128 teams in any tournament. So only 128 teams will be present in the World Cup tournament. You can swap any team with another team which is not present by default.
why in the last two versions, to play with this mod, I have to lower the quality to minimum? is there no possibility to play it with ultra quality? this mod deserves to be played at maximum image quality
Hey, I would love to play this mod, and I don't know what I've done wrong, but I can't load the squad file from within the game and only get an error message saying it's damaged when trying. I'm loading the mod in the order shown in the starting post of this thread via ModManager and the game shows the screen with the logos of the competitions on startup. I can't access any of the competitions either, although I don't know if that's a direct consequence of not being able to load the squadfile. If anyone has an idea what I could be doing wrong, it'd be much appreciated.
Hi, I would need the file of Carlos Augusto's face. I tried to use the mod but with FIFER it gives me too many ID overlaps, I would like to know if it is possible to trace the original creator ((I didn't find it on the web) or extract it from the mod.
Why I can't play the game after applying this mod? The game just keep crashing and it can not run the live editor. I have done everything that show on the instruction, from downloading the latest update, put the mod at the bottom of Mod Manager, and then load the squad file. But after that, I can't even go to the "Team Sheet" section in the game, it just crashes. Can you help me because I really want to play this mod...
Why I can't play the game after applying this mod? The game just keep crashing and it can not run the live editor. I have done everything that show on the instruction, from downloading the latest update, put the mod at the bottom of Mod Manager, and then load the squad file. But after that, I can't even go to the "Team Sheet" section in the game, it just crashes. Can you help me because I really want to play this mod...
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@alimps Hi, Anthems are not played, some are but for the teams that in the game.
(Poland, Portugal, spain,) itp. There are no new ones, am I doing something wrong? Please help