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FIFA22 Extra National Teams Patch 12.0 --TU17 for FMM1.1.3

@paul2008me123 @will2016 Hello, how can I play the Copa América with the updated groups in 2024? I don't like the groups that the mod creates.

Brother i have updated version 9 squad into 24/25 season, unfortunately i saw squad 11 late, my problem is that away kits and some modifications are not there, such as pitch flag center could you please help me with it.. I'm struggling
Brother I'm working on a mod to create South African league in fifa 22..i need to change pop up highlights like after scoring a goal.. They show pop up screen..
Brother i have updated version 9 squad into 24/25 season, unfortunately i saw squad 11 late, my problem is that away kits and some modifications are not there, such as pitch flag center could you please help me with it.. I'm struggling
Please share the squad with us
hello my bro
i use this mod version 12 but i want use arabic language
i edit all words in arabic but i cant edit short names for teams (scoreboard name 3 letter)
so i found change teamname abbr3 id but the short in in score-board was ---long and strange i hope help me
i tried version 9 with arabic language all ok
can you send loc files you used in this mod?
  • i want edit language to arabic in this mod so
i watched best amazing mod! I think it is probably the best you can find for FIFA 22! but I would like to ask you "Can you share ENT database and language files with me?" cause I wanna do something via mod manager and recreate some teams! Of course, only for my own needs without intention to publish somewhere! im anan from palestine .you good man i hope help me

Murillo 14

Club Supporter
Does anyone know about this error?
I accept the offer from international DT and the next day the review is done to decide if I continue, if I accept it happens the same thing the next day

I am using ENT 9 it is October 2028 and I have been managing the Mexican national team since 2021 and when doing the performance analysis with Mexico, the same thing happened
Does anyone know about this error?
I accept the offer from international DT and the next day the review is done to decide if I continue, if I accept it happens the same thing the next day

I am using ENT 9 it is October 2028 and I have been managing the Mexican national team since 2021 and when doing the performance analysis with Mexico, the same thing happened
how can you use ent 9??, i want to use it so i can play with icons in this mod
Brother i have updated version 9 squad into 24/25 season, unfortunately i saw squad 11 late, my problem is that away kits and some modifications are not there, such as pitch flag center could you please help me with it.. I'm struggling
Can I install only the clubs' world cup and national teams competition MOD? My squad file is different from the one in the MOD, and I have updated all Brasileirão teams myself. What I'm really looking for is the clubs world cup MOD.