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[FIFA12] - PATCHES and MODS by Doctor+ Productions (Fidel Gameplay)


kingofnothing;3117760 said:
can someone lower and zoom in goalkeeper camera?

for like career mode and stuff?

in time bro, relax, the game is brand new half the world doesnt have it yet.
we must figure out everything we need to know before we start making tons of mods.


Senior Squad
Fidel, Optimizer not working for me. Its the same. Lags are always at night matches, and it also lags in rainy weather very bad, it goes from 50 to 60 FPS constantly. :md:

Thanks for effort though.


doudou1408;3117764 said:
Real performance optimizer don't work for me ... I lost 20-30 FPS ... :/

it dont work for everyone, its hit or miss.
your specs just my be too low to run it well.

what are your specs ?


Club Supporter
Intel dual core e2180 overclocked to 3ghz, 9600gt, 2giga ram, fresh installation of Windows with only fifa, last drivers


Club Supporter
I think I found a bug in the game (it's not related with your awesome job man!). If you changes controls during the game ... they actually don't change until you re-start the whole game! It happened to me the first 2 times I launched the game ... then I figured it out and I set correctly all the control settings so I can play fine ... but if confirmed, it's quite a strange bug :/


Club Supporter
Love your work but I when I try to regenerate my PC gets stuck for a while and then it shows the windows i68Regenerator stopped working error :(


Club Supporter
stanley08;3118122 said:
When will Hybrid Gameplay be released for FIFA 12?!

Originally Posted by kimica75 View Post
Try this (this is for ATI users): http://banglagamer.com/showthread.ph...with-ATI-Cards
Thank you so much. totally forgotten about this software i already had for fifa 11.

Can I use on Laptop ATI Graphics card too
yes i do it..its completely safe..

Ps. visit my thread in fifa 12 support i m facing some problems..


Club Supporter
Could you make 3d grass in the game, not just to repeat, unless of course it's possible? Sorry for my English!


Youth Team
Use the career mode editor, choose option 1, scroll down to nr. 105 (RUN_FIRST_SEASON_CODE = 1) and change the 1 to 0. Save, do option 2 and 3, and you have EUROPEAN FOOTBALL IN THE FIRST SEASON!