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The next Manchester City destroyer already added to the squad. Number kit is unknow so far but Omar probably will have his number 7. I played pro mode with Doku and the AI of this dude as ST is insane with original EAFC 25 stats. Next, I'll add young Carlos chan or Abdukodir Khusanov. Man City going crazy at transfer window.

The assist Omar AI did was top class - playing with doku pro mode

I was editing the players based on EAFC 24. But now I decide to start editing them based on EAFC 25. The age will not be a problem anymore for career mode as I could find a way to extend world class players retirement.
This game has no limits. I still don't know if there's a limit about what I can do. I'm loving even more working on this project. This FIFA year could (and can be) the real football simulator if EA wanted.

FIFA 13 27_01_2025 22_50_18.jpg
Just a random post here to say Cubarsi was finally added to the project. I'm kind of sad because I couldn't reach a conversation yet with the old EA employee. But I'm still learning and having progress.

FIFA 13 30_01_2025 20_16_43.jpg
On the left, the first edit of Haaland when I started the project. On the right, the current Haaland. When I started I didn't the game would allow me to reach amazing results in many levels. Thanks to all talented people here on this forum, this FIFA Legendary will be a dream football game.

thanks for the amazing talented people from 16, I was able to edit and bring the current premier league ball into the project. a 2K resolution ball and I tried to bring the most accurate color rgb and texture. This is amazing. I'm gonna excluse every nonsense ball in fifa 13 originals, and replace with every official ball.

I'm upscaling everything. It seems like 2K resolution is the perfect texture size for everything. For now, balls, shoes, faces, hair, kits, pitchs, are all in 2K size and the game is not crashing at all. Now I'm exciting to buy a 4K monitor just to see it in a more range scale. I' gonna keep pushing to see till where the game supports. It's funny and also mysterious about why fifa 14 doesn't have the same graphic modifications.

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