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FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

In creation master 16 under the ‘options’ there is an option to make space in the name table, try clicking that option before saving. (I forgot the name lol)

Is it one of these? (I can't find the "options")..
Minimize olayer name table
These are my Career settings:


My squad when starting Career Mode:

Then I let a few weeks pass, start a new season(before I play my first match), and this is my squad now:


Cespedes and Perez Garcia no longer appear.
I applied all of the above steps (doing all my editing in Creation Master 16, putting CM16 in the language of my game, minimizing Player Name Table, saving, regenerating, reopening) and the issue still persists.. I have an EA version of the game (not CPY).

Perhaps @scouser09 might further help in this issue?
Just for reference, I tried the same thing with a different Peruvian team (Alianza Lima), and the same thing happens:

When Career Mode starts:


Simulate a few weeks, new season starts:


CB Garcia has disappeared from the team.
Hey guys, I'm playing with the FIP 16 patch version 7.2 and I made several transfers and other player editings (positions, overalls, etc) and the game works fine on kick off mode but when I want to start a NEW career mode, it's stuck in "loading" career mode screen and never goes forward. I would appreciate any help from anyone, thanks.
Could anyone help me please
Just for reference, I tried the same thing with a different Peruvian team (Alianza Lima), and the same thing happens:

When Career Mode starts:

View attachment 173202

Simulate a few weeks, new season starts:

View attachment 173203

CB Garcia has disappeared from the team.
Hey guys, I tried doing the same steps with the newest version (V 7.2 ROW), and the problem of the disappearing players is still there.

Just realized that ROW 7.2 includes the Peruvian League, but it seems like it's an issue that goes beyond the versions.
It could be a player problem. It could be a substitute player problem. Check to see if there is a bad face. I don't know if this is not the problem.
i check all teams formation everything is ok, face i didnt find any error, but still force close, i try to play with other team and still same, any solutions?
How I disable the premier league scoreboard?? I want the one from the game back ( I just love to see the Club logos on the scoreboard)