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FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v8 (Official HBZ 24/25 Edition)

@Harry BullZak

ok guys, credits to the user who made it but he dissapeared from soccergaming.

1-put the files inside game folder
2 the configuration file should be according to lines of tournament example 922 is the line for fench league
then add the name of the folder for that league sb - france ligue 1 uber eats (2020) , i suggest change the name of the scoreboard folder to a short one example ligue 1 or france

after this changes load career mode or player career mode then shift and run the application , is the only time you have to do this, then go back to the game and all scoreboards you have set will load
Is that work with same popups id?Like French and Russian leagues they both have same 3xxx id.
Is that work with same popups id?Like French and Russian leagues they both have same 3xxx id.
Yes they do. Scoreboards automatically switch depending on the tournament you're playing in career mode. All you have to do is ensure that each scoreboard has the correct name & corresponding FIP14 v8 ID number for each competition.

Harry, I know that the mod is 19 GB, but it looks like this to me? why is this? Is it due to the mixture of the mod plus the clean FIFA? (I haven't installed anything, it's just copy and paste the mod). Sorry for this question, I don't want to make any mistakes. I increased it to 28GB


Club Supporter
Harry, I know that the mod is 19 GB, but it looks like this to me? why is this? Is it due to the mixture of the mod plus the clean FIFA? (I haven't installed anything, it's just copy and paste the mod). Sorry for this question, I don't want to make any mistakes. I increased it to 28GBView attachment 173459
The mod, but only fifa weights more due to datas.big files
Harry, I know that the mod is 19 GB, but it looks like this to me? why is this? Is it due to the mixture of the mod plus the clean FIFA? (I haven't installed anything, it's just copy and paste the mod). Sorry for this question, I don't want to make any mistakes. I increased it to 28GBView attachment 173459

It will get bigger after installing faces, boots, mods and stadiums