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FIFA Full Player ID List Update Project


Club Supporter
Hi all. First of all i wanted to contact @skoczek but couldn't contact him. He has an influence on this project. I thought this could be useful for older retro fifa patches.

Recently i'm making commentary patches for old pes games so i've found player callnames by John Motson by extracting them. I also found 2 different editors for fifa02/wc 2002 and fifa 2003.

Thus, i managed to find more than 300 old IDs which are not present on the ID list shared here a few years ago. Props to the person who made the full id list.
There is probably more than 1000 old id's to be discovered.
The oldest sound files i have is from fifa 99.
I tried to install the new rtwc 98 editor to discover id's but i could not do it.
The id section is always decimal, not a specific number. @skoczek

I'm going through the files and editors very slowly, with time.

Anybody interested in an updated ID list?
Or anybody who needs fifa 2002/wc 2002 or fifa 2003 database editor? Let me know!


Club Supporter
I also ruled out fifa 99 because the sound files are not ordered the same way as The ID list.
It looks like FIFA 2000 is the first game to use the ID order, which is used even today, on FIFA 23.
Anybody interested in an updated ID list?
I am really interested in the overall ID list of FIFA games. Once I tried to match FIFA IDs with Transfermarkt IDs but it was a manual process and it was hard to match every single player.

I want to mention there are some players that have two IDs.

Example 1: Ismael Aissati
FIFA 12: https://www.fifaindex.com/player/177151/ismaïl-aissati/fifa12/
FIFA 21: https://www.fifaindex.com/tr/player/220180/ismaïl-aissati/fifa21/

Example 2: Mounir Chouiar
FIFA 23: https://www.fifaindex.com/player/241635/mounir-chouiar/fifa23/
FIFA 18: https://www.fifaindex.com/player/235563/mounir-chouiar/fifa18/


Club Supporter
I am really interested in the overall ID list of FIFA games. Once I tried to match FIFA IDs with Transfermarkt IDs but it was a manual process and it was hard to match every single player.

I want to mention there are some players that have two IDs.

Example 1: Ismael Aissati
FIFA 12: https://www.fifaindex.com/player/177151/ismaïl-aissati/fifa12/
FIFA 21: https://www.fifaindex.com/tr/player/220180/ismaïl-aissati/fifa21/

Example 2: Mounir Chouiar
FIFA 23: https://www.fifaindex.com/player/241635/mounir-chouiar/fifa23/
FIFA 18: https://www.fifaindex.com/player/235563/mounir-chouiar/fifa18/
Do you still have the WIP list anymore? It could be very usefull for editors!!!
Hi all. First of all i wanted to contact @skoczek but couldn't contact him. He has an influence on this project. I thought this could be useful for older retro fifa patches.

Recently i'm making commentary patches Nox Vidmate VLC for old pes games so i've found player callnames by John Motson by extracting them. I also found 2 different editors for fifa02/wc 2002 and fifa 2003.

Thus, i managed to find more than 300 old IDs which are not present on the ID list shared here a few years ago. Props to the person who made the full id list.
There is probably more than 1000 old id's to be discovered.
The oldest sound files i have is from fifa 99.
I tried to install the new rtwc 98 editor to discover id's but i could not do it.
The id section is always decimal, not a specific number. @skoczek

I'm going through the files and editors very slowly, with time.

Anybody interested in an updated ID list?
Or anybody who needs fifa 2002/wc 2002 or fifa 2003 database editor? Let me know!
New IDs (those which are still in FIFA 23) were introduced in FIFA 2005.
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