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FIFA 22 freezing every 7-8mins on pc

Hello. I recently bought FIFA 22 on steam. I installed the game on my Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 laptop, which is capable of running FIFA 22 smoothly. But still I'm facing freezing issues. This issue is happening every 7-8 minutes, where the game suddenly freezes in the middle of a match/ press conference/ replay/ menu screen. During this time even the menu music/ in-game commentary is stopping and instead I'm getting a weird sound. The freezing stays for 2-3 minutes, after which the game is running smoothly, only for the issue to return again after 7-8 minutes. The issue is so big that even my cursor isn't moving at that time. I tried various fixes like lowering the graphics settings, updating the NVIDIA graphics drives, disabling my antivirus, etc, but all in vain. This issue is bothering me a lot as I can't play my newly bought game undisputedly. I'm attaching below some in-game video footages of the freezing issue and the dxdiag file, so that you guys can assess the situation and provide me fixes as quickly as possible. Thank You!

P.S. :- I couldn't post the in-game video footages here. Is there anyway to post it here?


  • DxDiag.txt
    117.8 KB · Views: 150


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Hello. I recently bought FIFA 22 on steam. I installed the game on my Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 laptop, which is capable of running FIFA 22 smoothly. But still I'm facing freezing issues. This issue is happening every 7-8 minutes, where the game suddenly freezes in the middle of a match/ press conference/ replay/ menu screen. During this time even the menu music/ in-game commentary is stopping and instead I'm getting a weird sound. The freezing stays for 2-3 minutes, after which the game is running smoothly, only for the issue to return again after 7-8 minutes. The issue is so big that even my cursor isn't moving at that time. I tried various fixes like lowering the graphics settings, updating the NVIDIA graphics drives, disabling my antivirus, etc, but all in vain. This issue is bothering me a lot as I can't play my newly bought game undisputedly. I'm attaching below some in-game video footages of the freezing issue and the dxdiag file, so that you guys can assess the situation and provide me fixes as quickly as possible. Thank You!

P.S. :- I couldn't post the in-game video footages here. Is there anyway to post it here?
Friend I play fifa 22 on my PC and this crashing problem constantly happened, I really wanted a solution too!
I had that problem, too. I didn't know what to do. I rebooted the computer, deleted the game, and then downloaded it again. Nothing helped. Then I decided to completely remove the game from the HDD drive and install it on the SSD drive. This action solved the problem. Changing from HDD to SSD took more than just the game problem out of my life. The computer froze less, booted faster, stopped heating up, and made a loud noise because the SSD had no moving parts than the HDD. I can not miss that SSD is more reliable in storing the necessary information. Even if the data disappear, it can be easily restored by a specialist in RAID DATA RECOVERY.
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that’s almost certainly an issue either the graphics or sound drivers. You could narrow it down by uninstalling the sound drivers and disabling them and trying to run the game to prove it
that’s almost certainly an issue either the graphics or sound drivers. You could narrow it down by uninstalling the sound drivers and disabling them and trying to run the game to prove it
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