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FIFA 14 Overlays Research & Documentation

As FIFA 14 has barely any documentation about scoreboards and overlays, I will be researching the topic and sharing my knowledge here. Please note that I might be wrong in some of the information presented here, so any form of help, contribution, or clarification is appreciated.

Overlay Slots

First up, the files themselves and how their slots work. FIFA 14 primarily has 8 slots for broadcasting packages, just like its predecessor. Older games like FIFA 11 and 12 use 6 slots.

Here are the slots in FIFA 14:
  • overlay_2XXX.big - England, World Cup, Copa America
  • overlay_3XXX.big - France, Russia
  • overlay_4XXX.big - Austria, Denmark, Germany
  • overlay_5XXX.big - Australia, Italy, International matches
  • overlay_6XXX.big - Belgium, Spain
  • overlay_7XXX.big - Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, USA
  • overlay_8XXX.big - ESPN
  • overlay_15XXX.big - World Cup 2014 (Only used in Ultimate Team)
You might think these packages are used based on their leagues, but they aren't. Apparently, they are even triggered in international matches. For example, if you start a match between Germany and Spain, the match will use the 4XXX slot. Additionally, the 7XXX slot has different color tints, which is pretty cool. If you start a match with any Argentine club or the Argentine national team, the overlays will be blue. However, using Brazil will show yellow elements. While it is cool to have multiple variations of the same overlay, no modder has found a way to utilize this tint mechanic with modded overlays.
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Overlay Files

After the region codes, the rest of the three digits dictate the type of texture the file will contain. Here is a brief list:

  • overlay_X002.big - Scoreboard
  • overlay_X003.big - Penalty Shoot-out Scoreboard
  • overlay_X012.big - Goalscorer Popup
  • overlay_X013.big - Yellow/Red Card Popup
  • overlay_X015.big - Popup after a goal/half-time/full-time
  • overlay_X018.big - Lineup & Formation Popup
  • overlay_X020.big - Referee Info Popup
  • overlay_X021.big - Substitution Popup
  • overlay_X042.big - Match Intro Popup
  • overlay_X044.big - Commentators Info Popup
  • overlay_X045.big - Point Table Popup (During Tournament/Career Mode)
  • overlay_X072.big - Popup During Play (Yellow/Red card)
  • overlay_X073.big - Popup During Play (Substitution)
  • overlay_X074.big - Popup During Play (General)
  • overlay_X094.big - Miniface Background of Injury Card Popup
There are other files, but they appear to be too unimportant for the research. If they change or something new is discovered, I will update this post.
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Internal Names
Every single overlay file has an internal name, which can be found between the 0000-0200 offset. This internal name will be the same as the file name, but the property offset address will differ in each file. Here are the internal files of various scoreboard texture files:

So, why am I discussing all this? Because mods are made from various files and are later renamed to suit the desired slot. For example, a mod might have a file named "overlay_2012," but its internal name could be "6012." The majority of scoreboard mods use "overlay_8002" as their base texture file, as it is the only scoreboard in the entire game that represents club colors. Alternatively, scoreboard mods that use club crests use "overlay_15002" for their base texture as the crest mechanic was implemented for the first time when World Cup 2014 update came out.
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Byte Ordering & Variable System
FIFA 14 stores color and number values in a .big file differently from most games. This brings us to the topic of byte ordering. FIFA 14 stores its data mostly in "Little Endian" format. To explain the term, the game stores data in reverse order. For example, let's pretend the data on hand is "12 34 56 78". Here each set of two numbers is called a "byte" which is why I put spaces between each byte. The regular way a computer stores bytes is exactly how you would expect, which is called "Big Endian." However, in Little Endian, it is stored as "78 56 34 12." See how the bytes are flipped here? That's exactly how FIFA 14 stores its data.

Now, on the topic of the variable system, FIFA 14 mostly stores its float numbers in the hexadecimal system and in Little Endian format. So, if your float value data is 25, converting it to hexadecimal gives us "41 C8 00 00." To suit the Little Endian format, it will be written as "00 00 C8 41". To learn more about converting float values to hex, check out the following website: https://gregstoll.com/~gregstoll/floattohex/

Similarly, FIFA 14 stores color data in hexadecimal as well, in Little Endian format, of course. So, if your color data is "33 44 55," it will be written in the file as "55 44 33 FF." Here, the "FF" suffix is part of the game function, so it's best to leave it as is.

That's it for now. If you are looking for the offset addresses for various data, I will be posting them here data .
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Offset Sheet (overlay_2002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0x2960
Home Team Name Y: 0x2964
Away Team Name X: 0x29A0
Away Team Name Y: 0x29A4
Home Score Shadow X: 0xB850
Home Score Shadow Y: 0xB854
Score Seperator Shadow X: 0xB890
Score Seperator Shadow Y: 0xB894
Away Score Shadow X: 0xB8D0
Away Score Shadow Y: 0xB8D4
Home Score X: 0xB910
Home Score Y: 0xB914
Score Seperator X: 0xB950
Score Seperator Y: 0xB954
Away Score X: 0xB990
Away Score Y: 0xB994
Time Text X: 0xBD90
Time Text Y: 0xBD94
Stoppage Time Text X: 0xBB10
Stoppage Time Text Y: 0xBB14
Full Scoreboard X: 0x2888
Full Scoreboard Y: 0x288C

Team Name Shadow Size: 0x7A8
Team Name Size: 0x7EC
Home Score Shadow Size: 0x868
Home Score Size: 0x934
Away Score Shadow Size: 0x8F0
Away Score Size: 0x9BC
Score Seperator Shadow Size: 0x8AC
Score Seperator Size: 0x978
Time Text Shadow Size: 0xA1C
Time Text Size: 0xA60

Team Name Shadow Color: 0x7A4
Team Name Color: 0x7E8
Home Score Shadow Color: 0x864
Home Score Color: 0x930
Away Score Shadow Color: 0x8EC
Away Score Color: 0x9B8
Score Seperator Shadow Color: 0x8A8
Score Seperator Color: 0x974
Time Text Shadow Color: 0xA18
Time Text Color: 0xA5C
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Offset Sheet (overlay_3002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0x26A8
Home Team Name Y: 0x26AC
Away Team Name X: 0x2668
Away Team Name Y: 0x266C
Home Score Shadow X: 0x79D0
Home Score Shadow Y: 0x79D4
Score Seperator Shadow X: 0x7A50
Score Seperator Shadow Y: 0x7A54
Away Score Shadow X: 0x7950
Away Score Shadow Y: 0x7954
Home Score X: 0x7A10
Home Score Y: 0x7A14
Score Seperator X: 0x7A90
Score Seperator Y: 0x7A94
Away Score X: 0x7990
Away Score Y: 0x7994
Time Text X: 0x7ED0
Time Text Y: 0x7ED4
Stoppage Time Text X: 0x7C10
Stoppage Time Text Y: 0x7C14
Full Scoreboard X: 0x2590
Full Scoreboard Y: 0x2594

Team Name Size: 0x8F4
Home Score Shadow Size: 0x9DC
Home Score Size: 0xA20
Away Score Shadow Size: 0x954
Away Score Size: 0x998
Score Seperator Shadow Size: 0xA64
Score Seperator Size: 0xAA8
Time Text Shadow Size: 0xB08
Time Text Size: 0xB4C
Stoppage Time Text Size: 0x5B0

Team Name Color: 0x8F0
Home Score Shadow Color: 0x9D8
Home Score Color: 0xA1C
Away Score Shadow Color: 0x950
Away Score Color: 0x994
Score Seperator Shadow Color: 0xA60
Score Seperator Color: 0xAA4
Time Text Shadow Color: 0xB04
Time Text Color: 0xB48
Stoppage Time Text Color: 0x5AC
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Offset Sheet (overlay_4002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0x19A8
Home Team Name Y: 0x19AC
Away Team Name X: 0x19E8
Away Team Name Y: 0x19EC
Home Score X: 0x1A28
Home Score Y: 0x1A2C
Score Seperator X: 0x1AE8
Score Seperator Y: 0x1AEC
Away Score X: 0x1A68
Away Score Y: 0x1A6C
Time Text X: 0x1AA8
Time Text Y: 0x1AAC
Stoppage Time Text X: 0x1128
Stoppage Time Text Y: 0x112C
Full Scoreboard X: 0xE10
Full Scoreboard Y: 0xE14

Team Name Shadow Size: 0x7B4
Team Name Size: 0x7F8
Home Score Shadow Size: 0x858
Home Score Size: 0x89C
Away Score Shadow Size: 0x8FC
Away Score Size: 0x940
Score Seperator Shadow Size: 0xA00
Score Seperator Size: 0xA44
Time Text Size: 0x9A0
Stoppage Time Text Size: 0x490

Team Name Shadow Color: 0x7B0
Team Name Color: 0x7F4
Home Score Shadow Color: 0x854
Home Score Color: 0x898
Away Score Shadow Color: 0x8F8
Away Score Color: 0x93C
Score Seperator Shadow Color: 0x9FC
Score Seperator Color: 0xA40
Time Text Color: 0x99C
Stoppage Time Text Color: 0x48C

Offset Sheet (overlay_5002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0x2F84
Home Team Name Y: 0x2F88
Away Team Name X: 0x2FC4
Away Team Name Y: 0x2FC8
Home Team Name Shadow X: 0x2E04
Home Team Name Shadow Y: 0x2E08
Away Team Name Shadow X: 0x2E44
Away Team Name Shadow Y: 0x2E48
Home Score X: 0xD604
Home Score Y: 0xD608
Away Score X: 0xD584
Away Score Y: 0xD588
Home Score Shadow X: 0xD5C4
Home Score Shadow Y: 0xD5C8
Away Score Shadow X: 0xD544
Away Score Shadow Y: 0xD548
Time Text X: 0xD8C4
Time Text Y: 0xD8C8
Stoppage Time Text X: 0xD784
Stoppage Time Text Y: 0xD788
Full Scoreboard X: 0x2D6C
Full Scoreboard Y: 0x2D70

Team Name Shadow Size: 0xACC
Team Name Size: 0xB10
Home Score Shadow Size: 0xC30
Home Score Size: 0xC74
Away Score Shadow Size: 0xB8C
Away Score Size: 0xBD0
Time Text Shadow Size: 0xCF0
Time Text Size: 0xD34
Stoppage Time Text Size: 0x3B8

Team Name Shadow Color: 0xAC8
Team Name Color: 0xB0C
Home Score Shadow Color: 0xC2C
Home Score Color: 0xC70
Away Score Shadow Color: 0xB88
Away Score Color: 0xBCC
Time Text Shadow Color: 0xCEC
Time Text Color: 0xD30
Stoppage Time Text Color: 0x3B4
Offset Sheet (overlay_6002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0x2ACC
Home Team Name Y: 0x2AD0
Away Team Name X: 0x2B0C
Away Team Name Y: 0x2B10
Home Team Name Shadow X: 0x294C
Home Team Name Shadow Y: 0x2950
Away Team Name Shadow X: 0x298C
Away Team Name Shadow Y: 0x2990
Home Score X: 0x9404
Home Score Y: 0x9408
Score Seperator X: 0x9484
Score Seperator Y: 0x9488
Score Seperator Shadow X: 0x9444
Score Seperator Shadow Y: 0x9448
Away Score X: 0x9384
Away Score Y: 0x9388
Home Score Shadow X: 0x93C4
Home Score Shadow Y: 0x93C8
Away Score Shadow X: 0x9344
Away Score Shadow Y: 0x9348
Time Text X: 0x96C4
Time Text Y: 0x96A8
Stoppage Time Text X: 0x9584
Stoppage Time Text Y: 0x9588
Full Scoreboard X: 0x28B4
Full Scoreboard Y: 0x28B8

Team Name Shadow Size: 0x9A4
Team Name Size: 0x9E8
Home Score Shadow Size: 0xAEC
Home Score Size: 0xB30
Away Score Shadow Size: 0xA64
Away Score Size: 0xAA8
Score Seperator Shadow Size: 0xB74
Score Seperator Size: 0xBB8
Time Text Shadow Size: 0xC18
Time Text Size: 0xC5C
Stoppage Time Text Size: 0x6DC

Team Name Shadow Color: 0x9A0
Team Name Color: 0x9E4
Home Score Shadow Color: 0xAE8
Home Score Color: 0xB2C
Away Score Shadow Color: 0xA60
Away Score Color: 0xAA4
Score Seperator Shadow Color: 0xB70
Score Seperator Color: 0xBB4
Time Text Shadow Color: 0xC14
Time Text Color: 0xC58
Stoppage Time Text Color: 0x6D8
Offset Sheet (overlay_8002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0x1608
Home Team Name Y: 0x160C
Away Team Name X: 0x1648
Away Team Name Y: 0x164C
Home Score X: 0x1688
Home Score Y: 0x168C
Away Score X: 0x16C8
Away Score Y: 0x16CC
Time Text X: 0x1708
Time Text Y: 0x170C
Stoppage Time X: 0x40E8
Stoppage Time Y: 0x40EC
Home Color Bar X: 0x17C8
Home Color Bar Y: 0x17CC
Away Color Bar X: 0x1888
Away Color Bar Y: 0x188C
Full Scoreboard X: 0x1230
Full Scoreboard Y: 0x1234

Team Name Shadow Size: 0x4F8
Team Name Size: 0x53C
Score Shadow Size: 0x59C
Score Size: 0x5E0
Time Text Shadow Size: 0x640
Time Text Size: 0x684
Stoppage Time Text Size: 0x8F8

Team Name Shadow Color: 0x4F4
Team Name Color: 0x538
Score Shadow Color: 0x598
Score Color: 0x5DC
Time Text Shadow Color: 0x63C
Time Text Color: 0x680
Stoppage Time Text Color: 0x8F4
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Overlay Files

After the region codes, the rest of the three digits dictate the type of texture the file will contain. Here is a brief list:

  • overlay_X002.big - Scoreboard
  • overlay_X003.big - Penalty Shoot-out Scoreboard
  • overlay_X012.big - Goalscorer Popup
  • overlay_X013.big - Yellow/Red Card Popup
  • overlay_X015.big - Popup after a goal/half-time/full-time
  • overlay_X018.big - Lineup & Formation Popup
  • overlay_X020.big - Referee Info Popup
  • overlay_X021.big - Substitution Popup
  • overlay_X042.big - Match Intro Popup
  • overlay_X044.big - Commentators Info Popup
  • overlay_X045.big - Point Table Popup (During Tournament/Career Mode)
  • overlay_X072.big - Popup During Play (Yellow/Red card)
  • overlay_X073.big - Popup During Play (Substitution)
  • overlay_X074.big - Popup During Play (General)
  • overlay_X094.big - Miniface Background of Injury Card Popup
There are other files, but they appear to be too unimportant for the research. If they change or something new is discovered, I will update this post.
Please what number is the player name bar? 2 different name bars appear wen am playing. The right side name bar is different from the left side
Offset Sheet (overlay_15002.big)
Home Team Name X: 0xEB4
Home Team Name Y: 0xEB8
Away Team Name X: 0xEF4
Away Team Name Y: 0xEF8
Home Score X: 0xF74
Home Score Y: 0xF78
Away Score X: 0xF34
Away Score Y: 0xF38
Time Text X: 0x1434
Time Text Y: 0x1438
Stoppage Time Text X: 0x13F4
Stoppage Time Text Y: 0x13F8
Home Crest X: 0x1274
Home Crest Y: 0x1278
Away Crest X: 0x1234
Away Crest Y: 0x1238
Full Scoreboard X: 0xBDC
Full Scoreboard Y: 0xBE0

Home Team Name Size: 0x578
Away Team Name Size: 0x5D8
Home Score Size: 0x698
Away Score Size 0x638
Home Crest Width: 0x1264
Home Crest Height: 0x1270
Away Crest Width: 0x1224
Away Crest Height: 0x1230
1st Digit of Time Size: 0x8D8
2nd Digit of Time Size: 0x894
Colon Seperator of Time Size: 0x91C
3rd Digit of Time Size: 0x850
4th Digit of Time Size: 0x80C

Home Team Color: 0x574
Away Team Color: 0x5D4
Home Score Color: 0x694
Away Score Color: 0x634
1st Digit of Time Color: 0x8D4
2nd Digit of Time Color: 0x890
Colon Seperator of Time Color: 0x918
3rd Digit of Time: 0x84C
4th Digit of Time: 0x808
Hi @Emran_Ahm3d, my compliments for the hard work you are doing to keep FIFA 14 as a very beautiful game!

I have one question.. how can i change the country flags(like you see in my screenshot) from the game when starting in tournament modes a league or cup from a country.. in this case from Chile.

Where can i find those files?


  • Naamloos.png
    180.8 KB · Views: 35


Club Supporter
Hi @Emran_Ahm3d, my compliments for the hard work you are doing to keep FIFA 14 as a very beautiful game!

I have one question.. how can i change the country flags(like you see in my screenshot) from the game when starting in tournament modes a league or cup from a country.. in this case from Chile.

Where can i find those files?
Ui/artassets/countryflags as far as remember and then open with cg file explorer I think or file explorer
Hi @Emran_Ahm3d, my compliments for the hard work you are doing to keep FIFA 14 as a very beautiful game!

I have one question.. how can i change the country flags(like you see in my screenshot) from the game when starting in tournament modes a league or cup from a country.. in this case from Chile.

Where can i find those files?
What mod do you use?


Club Supporter
Hi @Emran_Ahm3d, my compliments for the hard work you are doing to keep FIFA 14 as a very beautiful game!

I have one question.. how can i change the country flags(like you see in my screenshot) from the game when starting in tournament modes a league or cup from a country.. in this case from Chile.

Where can i find those files?
Open ui/artassets/country and open them with file explorer