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Club Supporter
Nazho;3048743 said:
When it is going to begin the party, the game is closed ... which is the problem?
but does everything the instructions say and what comes out on video on youtube, and I keep falling at the start of the game ... I do?

Chile is the problem...


Reserve Team
Mate i still dont get the problem you are trying to define plus i tested every tam before release and it worked f9 :D which windows are you using ???
maybe make a vid of your problem and send me through pm ;d


Club Supporter
Uzair;3048709 said:
Follow the installation vid its simple and easy, regenerate it "run as admin" if using vista

1.Take clean installed FIFA 11 with 1.01 patch.
2.install WC patch anywhere you want..
3.copy whole thing inside 'FIFA World Cup Mod - FIFA EDITING' folder and paste it into your FIFA 11/game folder..
4.regenerate With i68 regenerator inside it..
5.remove data4.big and data4.bh files from game folder(so you can hear the new songs)..
6.you are done..

I did this for the first time
My game is Fifa2011 By Reloaded, using windows xp svpk3


Senior Squad
LordMeMo;3048871 said:
I did this for the first time
My game is Fifa2011 By Reloaded, using windows xp svpk3

If you follow instructions by Uzair it must work.
Let's see... Did you regenerated 2 times?


Club Supporter
I regenerate one time.
It didn't work, so, i uninstalled fifa, and the patch, clear the registry, and try again.
I did this 3 times yesterday, and still doesn't work


Senior Squad
LordMeMo;3048919 said:
I regenerate one time.
I regenerated two times without option "Take care of edited files", and it works. Try it, and if not working, then regenerate one time with option "Take care of edited files".

I hope you will make it...


Youth Team
everything change, perfect (Y)
but i have some question, after the song played and the song finish why the song was stop? and can you give some FWC South Africa 2010 stadium on your patch? sorry for my bad english but i think you know what i mean? :blush:


Reserve Team
arifutama1996;3048971 said:
everything change, perfect
but i have some question, after the song played and the song finish why the song was stop? sorry for my bad english but i think you know what i mean? :blush:

thats a bug when you add custom songs in addition it cant be solved :D


Reserve Team

-Fixed some random crashes with teams
-Fixed germany third kit
-Fixed Eduardo in Portugal
-Fixed Philip Lahm exclusion from Bayern Munich
-Fixed some players who seem to be not having a face
-New WC scoreboard by Evolution PREVIEW
-Updated Kit numbers and Fonts

Installation :

-Copy all the folders (except "New World Cup Scoreboard" ) inside "FIFA 11 World cup patch update" to FIFA11/game/data
-If you want new scoreboard then copy folder inside "New World Cup Scoreboard" to fifa11/game/data
-Regenerate using fifa11regenertor1.6 two times and "run as admin" the regenerator if using vista



Youth Team
NIce. Finally crashes is resolved. Downloading. When you plan release official update with new gameplay and retextured stadium ?


Club Supporter
could you please reup the preview vids somewhere else? because in GErmany they are disabled due to copyrights :((


Youth Team
Good patch, too bad the groups are never right. Is there a way to download all the faces used in this patch? I use two different versions of FIFA (one with this patch, one original with my own mods, for my careers), and I'd love to have these faces in my other version too...


Reserve Team
Raindog42;3050684 said:
Good patch, too bad the groups are never right. Is there a way to download all the faces used in this patch? I use two different versions of FIFA (one with this patch, one original with my own mods, for my careers), and I'd love to have these faces in my other version too...

copy heads,faces,and hair from data/sceneassets and paste it into your another version in which you have your other mods too :D