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ffs! Long Shots!!


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
players with a high long shot rating seem to be able to score from anywhere!

i was "cruising" 3-1 up against Juventus with Man Utd and dominating the game... then all of a sudden out of nowhere Pavel Nedved scores a hat-trick of long range screamers!! then Tacchinardi scores again from long range!

and i end up losing 5-3 :f***:





Club Supporter
I was lucky to bump into one of those long shot monsters and this "creature's" name was Daniel Montenegro. Got him for my team, and the guy averaged 1-2 long shot beautys per game, not counting all the assists he made (he is AMC).

I guess its a bug, and doesnt look like its gonna be corrected soon; the new patch isnt changing the engine.
Get two keepers in one goal that might work ;)


Fan Favourite
Julio Baptista is the best example of this. If you set Long Shots in the player instructions he'll will have an average score of 1 screamer a match.


Senior Squad
Originally posted by Zlatan
Julio Baptista is the best example of this. If you set Long Shots in the player instructions he'll will have an average score of 1 screamer a match.

SO true he was my 2nd leading scorer last year and was out for 4 months too:p He once scored 4 screamers in one match(H) I think Juventus is the best at long shots everytime i face them it seems like all there mids can score from anywhere:kader:


Fan Favourite
Juve doesnt seem that strong to me. Just played them, had a pretty difficult match, but still managed to win 1-4


Senior Squad
Originally posted by PSVFOREVER
Juve doesnt seem that strong to me. Just played them, had a pretty difficult match, but still managed to win 1-4

I dont think there too difficult either just i think they have the best long shots whenever they score aginst me its a long shot mostly from Nedved:(


Team Captain
Assuncao and Hitzlsperger for my Betis game. Awesome midfield combination that can destroy any team. Thomas is injured and I'm losing as well.


Starting XI
Van Bommel knocks em in from the edge of the box all the time. Sneijder is ordinarily smashing them in from 35 yards, he just came back from injury and scored a screamer from 35 yards agaisnt Cardiff. I have them both in my man utd team. Nedved always scores from long range in real life tho, hes amazing, he just seems to hit the ball from anywhere and it hits the target.