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[DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 14

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Two observations, the first is about Buffon. In the decade +2010
He appears with 2 types of faces, one of when he was young with long hair and another more in line with that decade. For example, in 2014 he has a face in line with that year and for the 2018 World Cup he appears with his younger face. From my humble opinion I think he could use the face he has in the 2014 World Cup or Euro 2012 (both are the same) for that entire decade. I know it is a small detail and it is not the most attractive decade for Gigi but I at least want to mention that.

The second is about Mike Hanke's hair. I see it gray or platinum when in reality he had it blonde. It is another small detail where perhaps if there is no other face for him, he could leave it with a generic face and thus be more in line.

In the rest of the patch I have not found anything strange to comment on, just fun and lots of fun!



Two observations, the first is about Buffon. In the decade +2010
He appears with 2 types of faces, one of when he was young with long hair and another more in line with that decade. For example, in 2014 he has a face in line with that year and for the 2018 World Cup he appears with his younger face. From my humble opinion I think he could use the face he has in the 2014 World Cup or Euro 2012 (both are the same) for that entire decade. I know it is a small detail and it is not the most attractive decade for Gigi but I at least want to mention that.

The second is about Mike Hanke's hair. I see it gray or platinum when in reality he had it blonde. It is another small detail where perhaps if there is no other face for him, he could leave it with a generic face and thus be more in line.

In the rest of the patch I have not found anything strange to comment on, just fun and lots of fun!

View attachment 165418
Its just the shitty way we can assign specific faces with revolution mod
You either assign it for every team he plays for or not assign at all
Otherwise you ll have such situations
The better way is to do it like it was done for messi, ronaldo, ibra etc. with different ids
Will also save up a lot of space but losing some ids


Starting XI
Its just the shitty way we can assign specific faces with revolution mod
You either assign it for every team he plays for or not assign at all
Otherwise you ll have such situations
The better way is to do it like it was done for messi, ronaldo, ibra etc. with different ids
Will also save up a lot of space but losing some ids
For years I have been using (and proposing that CP14 uses) the system with SetTeamYear.

You assign a face to Buffon 2005 and he will use it for any team until 2010 if it has a lua file with SetTeamYear=2008 line, for example. Regardless if club or country.

Works with boots/tattoos as well.
Last edited:


For years I have been using (and proposing that CP14 uses) the system with SetTeamYear.

You assign a face to Buffon 2005 and he will use it for any team until 2010 if it has a lua file with SetTeamYear=2008 line, for example. Regardless if club or country.

Works with boots/tattoos as well.
A bit better but not the ideal solution.
And at fifa 16 we dont even have that.
Pure shit and stupid term to use this awful 6 years old `bro' term
I don't like it either, but after years, I think this is due to Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking users trying to translate "amigo"
the thing is "amigo" means male friend (female friend is amiga ;D)
and it's used to share fondness for someone

the problem is bro simply has different meaning and saying bro in English to someone who might as well be your father, sounds out of place - I agree with GIGI on this, because he might as well be our father

my friend would be more similar


I don't like it either, but after years, I think this is due to Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking users trying to translate "amigo"
the thing is "amigo" means male friend (female friend is amiga ;D)
and it's used to share fondness for someone

the problem is bro simply has different meaning and saying bro in English to someone who might as well be your father, sounds out of place - I agree with GIGI on this, because he might as well be our father

my friend would be more similar
My brother from another mother will also work
I don't like it either, but after years, I think this is due to Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking users trying to translate "amigo"
the thing is "amigo" means male friend (female friend is amiga ;D)
and it's used to share fondness for someone

the problem is bro simply has different meaning and saying bro in English to someone who might as well be your father, sounds out of place - I agree with GIGI on this, because he might as well be our father

my friend would be more similar
Well in my culture, we refer to any 40+ male as "Uncle" so It'd be pretty normal for me to call him Uncle GIGGI.


Starting XI
Its just the shitty way we can assign specific faces with revolution mod
You either assign it for every team he plays for or not assign at all
Otherwise you ll have such situations
The better way is to do it like it was done for messi, ronaldo, ibra etc. with different ids
Will also save up a lot of space but losing some ids
and IDs are valuable and non-tradeable goods :P


Starting XI
The BRO question I answer a bit to everyone without quoting you. I had mentioned this discussion some time ago. It's a question of how the word is used in one's own nation. In Italy the word BRO also (FRATE') or the literal and broken translation of BRO and (ZIO) translation of uncle or also (CUGI') broken translation of cousin has taken on a meaning of bootlicking. Using that term is almost always associated with trying to soften a person to do or want something implying that they are more than friends but almost relatives... In short it seems like they are taking the piss. Especially if said by people you don't know... Then of course there is the question of age... if a 20 year old boy calls me BRO it bothers me. I'm 41, I could be your father and maybe I am!