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Ammetto che non mi aspetto più nulla da EA quando si tratta di materiale classico. Hanno iniziato così bene che sembrava che potessero creare una base di giocatori leggendaria. Invece hanno gettato la spugna. Peccato, hanno sprecato un'opportunità. Avrebbero potuto creare così tante cose usando il tema classico. Esempio. Vincere la UCL con il Milan? Sbloccare i volti del Milan di Sacchi e forse anche le divise. Rivivere le storiche finali della Coppa del Mondo. Avete una partnership con la FIFA, il prodotto di punta della FIFA è la Coppa del Mondo? Creare qualcosa per celebrare la Coppa del Mondo quando si realizza un DLC per il torneo. Una noia, una mancanza di idee. Avrei scommesso molto sul classico come modalità secondaria o sbloccabile. Ma sono interessati solo a quel patetico gioco di carte. Hanno praticamente ridotto FIFA a un gioco per dispositivi mobili. Zero profondità, zero tradizione, zero storia. ZERO su tutto.
Fifa today represents the real football of today. Only shit!


Starting XI
That's kinda also the point
Introducing less known old players to the public
it's very suggestive. Being Italian I think of Serie A players who did well and who were never part of the famous big three. Tovalieri was a striker who in the mid 90s managed to score 17 goals with Bari and in Cagliari in less than a season he scored 12 goals. Other similar cases are Dario Hubner, Alessandro Melli. But there are also interesting players like Pusceddu and Firicano from Cagliari, Alberto Di Chiara from Parma, Giorgio Venturin from Lazio but also Torino, Roberto Cravero from Torino, Michele Serena, Pasquale Padalino, Lorenzo Amoruso from Fiorentina. Massimiliano Cappioli from Cagliari and Roma, Salvatore Lanna from Sampdoria and Roma. and I could continue with Marco Negri, Pasquale Luiso, Francesco Statuto, Filippo Maniero, Massimiliano Taibi, Giuseppe Taglialatela, Roberto Policano. All good players, many also with appearances for the national team
it's very suggestive. Being Italian I think of Serie A players who did well and who were never part of the famous big three. Tovalieri was a striker who in the mid 90s managed to score 17 goals with Bari and in Cagliari in less than a season he scored 12 goals. Other similar cases are Dario Hubner, Alessandro Melli. But there are also interesting players like Pusceddu and Firicano from Cagliari, Alberto Di Chiara from Parma, Giorgio Venturin from Lazio but also Torino, Roberto Cravero from Torino, Michele Serena, Pasquale Padalino, Lorenzo Amoruso from Fiorentina. Massimiliano Cappioli from Cagliari and Roma, Salvatore Lanna from Sampdoria and Roma. and I could continue with Marco Negri, Pasquale Luiso, Francesco Statuto, Filippo Maniero, Massimiliano Taibi, Giuseppe Taglialatela, Roberto Policano. All good players, many also with appearances for the national team
I think almost every league (maybe outside of the Premier League due to global exposure of the entire league) is filled with players which either never gained a media attention or had a club career which couldn't settle them in people's eyes. These come on a go, even if they could better.


Starting XI
I think almost every league (maybe outside of the Premier League due to global exposure of the entire league) is filled with players which either never gained a media attention or had a club career which couldn't settle them in people's eyes. These come on a go, even if they could better.
Of course. I mentioned Serie A and Italian players because I know certain players. Thinking about the French championship, Corentin Martins, Marc Keller, Lilian Laslandes come to mind. I remember Corentin Martins thanks to managerial games like Championship Manager 1997-98. He was very good in that game.


Club Supporter
it's very suggestive. Being Italian I think of Serie A players who did well and who were never part of the famous big three. Tovalieri was a striker who in the mid 90s managed to score 17 goals with Bari and in Cagliari in less than a season he scored 12 goals. Other similar cases are Dario Hubner, Alessandro Melli. But there are also interesting players like Pusceddu and Firicano from Cagliari, Alberto Di Chiara from Parma, Giorgio Venturin from Lazio but also Torino, Roberto Cravero from Torino, Michele Serena, Pasquale Padalino, Lorenzo Amoruso from Fiorentina. Massimiliano Cappioli from Cagliari and Roma, Salvatore Lanna from Sampdoria and Roma. and I could continue with Marco Negri, Pasquale Luiso, Francesco Statuto, Filippo Maniero, Massimiliano Taibi, Giuseppe Taglialatela, Roberto Policano. All good players, many also with appearances for the national team
... Rambaudi, Crippa, Eranio, Padovano,..also maybe..


Starting XI
... Rambaudi, Crippa, Eranio, Padovano,..also maybe..
yes these have already played in high level teams and also won cups and championships. I was mentioning the players who did not play in the three big Italian teams and who had a good career. The so-called forgotten players but also as we call them in Italy the "suburban bombers" that is those 10-15 goal strikers who played in mid-table teams like Tovalieri, Maniero, Hubner, Luiso, Negri.