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Doctor+ Productions 18 Exclusive Worldwide Mods & Tools

Thanks Fidel, I've already achieved to edit the height by default in your Squad. Here the link for anyone.

Now, with WFT I apply only "PHYSICS-ANIMATIONS --> MAX" and then apply RemoteDLL. (FML W10 doesn't work for me yet. I don't apply "FIFA CONFIG PATCH" either)

For me the game is almost perfect, but here below some feedback to get the best realism ever seen:

-I know that is a problem "made in EA" but the unique thing I would work on it would be that awful sliding/skating effects in animationes (turns, changes of directions on run, while using balance with L2+R2, etc). The player seems not to weigh and not to step on the pitch, just seem to be flying over (Maybe we have to increase gravitacional constant :innocent_smile_1:). So, I know it's the hardest thing to solve. Besides, the lower acceleration slider, the worse. The balance is reached setting acceleration=50 but the game speed rise. Anyway, the skating effect still there despite of setting the acceleration slider on 50. With AGPE the leg movements per second have decreased, but there's still "crazy leg" by EA. Only when you use L1 to move or the player is exhausted, the number of leg movements (in each ball control or path) look more real. This would be a miracle if is fixed or improved.

-There're still heavy rebounds.
-I think there're shots on the post more often than default .ini (I play in manual).
-I would increase aggressiveness on CPU.

That's all for now.

I'm enjoying a lot this new game.
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Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
News about incoming COM 19.
Include as usual an incredible COLD OPEN MOD AGPE DB + NEW AGPE AI COM DB PURPOSE
...for those who do not know it yet, the Cold Open Mod allow you to drive an incredible young team.
Start from lowest league and reach the top
Play and fight on the field, do turnover
Every match become very important
Grow your youngs players phenomena very promising
Reach major victories and promotion

You can see the kid push me at video start,
any foul has been committed by the cpu during testing in career mode.
You can see a lot of new tumble/fall animations now unlocked by using com players.
Play the game with this COM 19 and you
will experience unique gameplay emotions

Check at very low ovr below, but you not checked out any player settings,
you must beleave me, if you like to enjoy the 19 gameplay in an alternative and realistic way.

Extra teams and players also available in career mode and virtual pro:

In the public version out 1960 shoes assignments has been fixed.

The mod is almost ready, I hope to upload the full pack this weekend.
The custom COM team with Danny Williams will be your team and you must play
the suggested COM career mode starting from England EFL Championship (2).
Beleave me because you will not believe your eyes by playing this incredible mod, this year fully updated.
Also re-adjusted and finally fixed the collision system and now is magically realistic.
Game is super slow and realistic, fixed ball speed, and also managed to make your controlled player
jumping and rolling if pulled or puched by the cpu.
The mod will include also extra teams like an impressive beauty Kids team, Chelsea and Coventry City (1960 teams).

This is the one released for FIFA 18 (COM 18 link here),
but now imagine it a lot more advanced and updated gp db+ai for the 19.
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Thanks @Fidel Gameplay you are the best, I am happy to power in a few weeks can play Fifa 19 with your mods and with the kids, Hunter kid, Kid Walker, Fidel Kid, Thomas Bradley, Ramón Castillo, Pavel Plotnikov, thank you for your time and dedication in creating these mods You are the best


Club Supporter
Does anyone know how to get back to fifa19 before all the updates? They ruined the game again.

if under a clean version and then I paste it in the original game, will it work? Or will he ask me to update to play?
help. sorry my bad English.


Fan Favourite
Staff member
Does anyone know how to get back to fifa19 before all the updates? They ruined the game again.

if under a clean version and then I paste it in the original game, will it work? Or will he ask me to update to play?
help. sorry my bad English.

What do you mean by a clean version? Is it a backup of the game before the update? Is it all of the files, or is it just the .exe? If you have a copy of the whole game installation from a previous title update, it should work. It will prompt you to update again, though.


Senior Squad
Hi Fidel, I'm aurion17 an old Face Maker for FIFA 14 - FIFA 15

Love Your Mod!

I was just wondering if there was any way with your latest FIFA 19 Mod Update, if you could restore the player overalls and transfer values brah, If you could do this just for me, I'd pay you!

I just like the fact it's hard to buy players if you haven't got money in Career Mode and that's the one thing that's slightly unrealistic and wrong with your otherwise realistic and genius mod ;)

Let me know :)

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
Does anyone know how to get back to fifa19 before all the updates? They ruined the game again.
if under a clean version and then I paste it in the original game, will it work? Or will he ask me to update to play?
help. sorry my bad English.

Just download WFT (Win Fifa Tool), it allow you to restore, make and apply title updates in Fifa 19,
but next time you must backup your game version before you update your game,
anyway is there available to download the 19 day one title patch. Bye

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
Hi Fidel, I'm aurion17 an old Face Maker for FIFA 14 - FIFA 15
Love Your Mod!
I was just wondering if there was any way with your latest FIFA 19 Mod Update, if you could restore the player overalls and transfer values brah, If you could do this just for me, I'd pay you!

I just like the fact it's hard to buy players if you haven't got money in Career Mode and that's the one thing that's slightly unrealistic and wrong with your otherwise realistic and genius mod ;)
Let me know :)

Hello, I'm glad you like, because I've worked very hard especially in the db.
Restore ovr isn't possible because otherwise is also required to restore skills/attributes.
You can fix the issue about players values when Frosty editor go out.
Atm you can make hard the career by editing the budget value in teams table.
Already shared some tips days ago.

Or just consider to play an alternative career with new Cold Open Mod, out now.
You must play this career with the TOTW team I've customized for you.
This mod really put you in the pitch, beleave me, play it with lod and cam tweaker,
and Physics and Animations Quality Mod (if working in your Win10 and require launcher).

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad

Manage and Admin the incredible COM Team TOTW (Adidas Tekkers)
Start from EFL Championship or any minor league and reach the top
Play and fight on the field, get impressive fouls, do turnover,
customize formation and players instructions if required
Every match become very important, budget is very limitated
Let grow COM promising youngs phenomena and try to reach major victories and promotions.
Beleave me: young TOTW team and players has been programmed to win, fight and take a foul.

Include also extra teams like an impressive beauty Kids Team FUT 18 TOTW,
Chelsea with Jim Hunter and Coventry City (year 1960).
New COM teams (4) are placed in Rest Of World League.


- COM AGPE DB 1.0 - ULTRA IMMERSIVE (Squads_COM_AGPE_ULTRA_001 - Kick off gp purpose)



Play the game with this Mod and you will experience unique gameplay emotions.
Sometimes I get two penalty in one match, incredible cpu fouls,
inaccurate standing/sliding tackle, push, pull all over the pitch.

...for those who do not know it yet,
Cold Open Mod allow you to drive an incredible young team (TOTW in Fifa 19).


Suggested COM 19 TOTW Career Mode - how to start:
Swap with same team you see in the pic below to play suggested calendar.

Suggested career settings (adjust difficulty if required):
wait to go in EPL to play the UCL...

In one of the last gp tests, restarted suggested Com career
to try out latest db tweaks and I get 3 penalty:

Last edited:

Manage and Admin the incredible COM Team TOTW (Adidas Tekkers)
Start from EFL Championship or any minor league and reach the top
Play and fight on the field, get impressive fouls, do turnover,
customize formation and players instructions if required
Every match become very important, budget is very limitated
Let grow COM promising youngs phenomena and try to reach major victories and promotions.
Beleave me: young TOTW team and players has been programmed to win, fight and take a foul.

Include also extra teams like an impressive beauty Kids Team FUT 18 TOTW,
Chelsea with Jim Hunter and Coventry City (year 1960).
New COM teams (4) are placed in Rest Of World League.


- COM AGPE DB 1.0 - ULTRA IMMERSIVE (Squads_COM_AGPE_ULTRA_001 - Kick off gp purpose)



Play the game with this Mod and you will experience unique gameplay emotions.
Sometimes I get two penalty in one match, incredible cpu fouls,
inaccurate standing/sliding tackle, push, pull all over the pitch.

...for those who do not know it yet,
Cold Open Mod allow you to drive an incredible young team (TOTW in Fifa 19).


Suggested COM 19 TOTW Career Mode - how to start:
Swap with same team you see in the pic below to play suggested calendar.

Suggested career settings (adjust difficulty if required):
wait to go in EPL to play the UCL...

In one of the last gp tests, restarted suggested Com career
to try out latest db tweaks and I get 3 penalty:

Hi. when putting the database (AGPE DB 1.0 - ULTRA IMMERSIVE (Squads_COM_AGPE_ULTRA_001 - Kick off gp purpose) the game comes out, I have tried several times but the game is broken


Club Supporter
Hi Fidel, I'm aurion17 an old Face Maker for FIFA 14 - FIFA 15

Love Your Mod!

I was just wondering if there was any way with your latest FIFA 19 Mod Update, if you could restore the player overalls and transfer values brah, If you could do this just for me, I'd pay you!

I just like the fact it's hard to buy players if you haven't got money in Career Mode and that's the one thing that's slightly unrealistic and wrong with your otherwise realistic and genius mod ;)

Let me know :)

hello aurion i've made those changes with the db previous to CDM, i'll try to change these values now, I could really use a hand with tweaking the financial values. For instance i've gathered only 4/5 players and compared their value with the immersive db and the defaullt one and it got me to something around 25~30% of the default value. I've changed club worth and transfer budget; also I tried to tweak a bit the profitability values (a.k.a financial board expectation) i've tried every club with 10 (in game was every team got crucial finance expectation from the board) but that felt a bit odd - literally expecting me to earn 11 million pounds in league two - so I've changed all the values from 0 - 4 to 5 (so teams would be at least moderate when spending money) it worked quite nicely, but it was still unbaleced as no team in the world had the funds to buy Hazard as exemple (I mean at least M.United, Real and City should have it) but I'm a graduating from college I really didn't have the time to do a lot of test.

In any ways to sum the tips Fidel and others have posted here, you should use Fidel's Squad to DB mob (which allows you to edit his db - I suggest sticking to the financial aspects only) and use the DB Master (it's the 2015 version, it works). There are a post on the forum about how to edit db using excel it really helps. but the way to go is:
Backup the squad files you wish to edit
use the fidel's squad to db mod to turn into a db. file
open the db file with db master (to do so you will need to download the default fifa 19 db, and use it db.xml - you can find it on moddingway)
in the db master find the club section and export it as a single table
open it with notepad and copy paste it into excel (i've tried opening the file directly from excel but it changed somethig and the values weren't recognized by db master)
in excel you should look for the club worth; transfer budget and profitability column (sorry if i used the wrong term, my excel is in portuguese)
now the easy way to edit these values is to use special paste and multiply all of the column at once (at least in the transfer budget and club worth) as to profitability it goes from 0 to 10 with 0 being like: we don't mind how much you spend it to 10 being Newcastle (and some other clubs that aim for profit - makes sense)
In the transfer and club worth budget you should edit the values so it don't contain any number with values after . (don't know the proper mathematical term in english but all your values must be something like: 1,000,000 and not 1,000,000.587 - you can edit this in excel.
After you're satisfied with your edits copy everything on excel (if you used special paste don't copy the cells you used to multilpy the values) and paste it on the .txt table exported by db master, click on save
now on db master open the db file, go to team section and import single table, import your .txt with the edited values and save the new db file.
using the Fidel's Squad to DB you can turn your db file saved from db master info a fifa19 .squad file - then you just copy it into your documents/fifa 19 settings and remember to load the squad in the game, and now you should have the db from fidel with poorer teams or more balanced due to the new ovrls.

this is a work around (and maybe a bit of work) and as said before only with frosty tool and being able to change players values we could really make it fit the club's original worth and money but for now is all we have. I'll give a shoot at the new db and tweak the values a bit more (some minors club got 0 transfer budget, that's not nice)

anyway i hope it could help you in any way, if you or anyone is interested (and fidel don't mind) i can upload the db with the new financial values


Club Supporter
Also Fidel, I'll give it a try with the DB master, but just to be sure is there any way to change the kits and club badge assigned to the COM TOTW team ?
I understand that it would be totally possible with frosty editor, but Idk with it would to assign the desired club badge id and kit in the db

i'll tell if I can make it work, and again thanks for the amazing and continuous marvelous work]


Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
Hi. when putting the database (AGPE DB 1.0 - ULTRA IMMERSIVE (Squads_COM_AGPE_ULTRA_001 - Kick off gp purpose) the game comes out, I have tried several times but the game is broken

Try to rename (from Windows and not from in game) ultra squads file name :
from: Squads_COM_AGPE_ULTRA_001
to (short): Squads_AGPE_001
try to load and then save again in game. I don't have this issue. Let me know!

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
Also Fidel, I'll give it a try with the DB master, but just to be sure is there any way to change the kits and club badge assigned to the COM TOTW team ?
I understand that it would be totally possible with frosty editor, but Idk with it would to assign the desired club badge id and kit in the db
i'll tell if I can make it work, and again thanks for the amazing and continuous marvelous work]

Hello, I'm glad that you like my 19 mods and tools, enjoy!
About your request:
just edit the "assetid" value stored in teams table to assign new badge, name
from another team's asset already in the game (kits are not affected).
I hope you like this special trick.
Last edited:
Thanks Fidel, I've already achieved to edit the height by default in your Squad. Here the link for anyone.

Now, with WFT I apply only "PHYSICS-ANIMATIONS --> MAX" and then apply RemoteDLL. (FML W10 doesn't work for me yet. I don't apply "FIFA CONFIG PATCH" either)

For me the game is almost perfect, but here below some feedback to get the best realism ever seen:

-I know that is a problem "made in EA" but the unique thing I would work on it would be that awful sliding/skating effects in animationes (turns, changes of directions on run, while using balance with L2+R2, etc). The player seems not to weigh and not to step on the pitch, just seem to be flying over (Maybe we have to increase gravitacional constant :innocent_smile_1:). So, I know it's the hardest thing to solve. Besides, the lower acceleration slider, the worse. The balance is reached setting acceleration=50 but the game speed rise. Anyway, the skating effect still there despite of setting the acceleration slider on 50. With AGPE the leg movements per second have decreased, but there's still "crazy leg" by EA. Only when you use L1 to move or the player is exhausted, the number of leg movements (in each ball control or path) look more real. This would be a miracle if is fixed or improved.

-There're still heavy rebounds.
-I think there're shots on the post more often than default .ini (I play in manual).
-I would increase aggressiveness on CPU.

That's all for now.

I'm enjoying a lot this new game.

friend a question to you you whistle a foul with your hand when you play in career mode?
I like gameplay like no other year before. I hope Ea will not patch it due to many kids complaining and crying for last year ping pong game.
Maybe frosty tools will be released soon as i want to make no ball cursor, a particular player cursor (blue triangle) and little updates in terms of gameplay from Fidel.

Hai bro, how to make no cursor ball? Thanknin advance.