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Doctor+ Productions 18 Exclusive Worldwide Mods & Tools

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
Big Update out:


- New FML - Fifa 19 Mods Launcher for Win 10
- Global and big tool's update

Check log console for more info and tips when you run any function.

Let me know if the FML worked in your Win10. Bye
Last edited:


Club Supporter
Big Update out:


- New FML - Fifa 19 Mods Launcher for Win 10
- Global and big tool's update

Check log console for more info and tips when you run any function.

Let me know if the FML worked in your Win10. Bye

Fidel ¿Can I now edit and tweak the initfs_Win32 ? there is a lot of lod and detail values to maximize!
I followed these steps in the new WFT 0.4, but not works. (A instructions would be appreciate for noobs ;-) )

0. Origin closed
1. FIFA CONFIG PATCH --> works
2. PHYSICS-ANIMS--> works and create initfs_DEFAULT correctly
3. FML FOR WIN10 --> Origins starts but "Remote dll" charge a random file from any folder in the PC (squads files, initfs_32, etc, founded in any folder). For example: C:\Users\G\Desktop\FIFA 19 Mods\FIFA19_AGPE_PURE_CTRL_PACK_1.0 [D+]_pub_\AGPE_DB\IMMERSIVE\Squads_AGPE_DB_IMM_001

So, what file is supposed to charge the "RemoteDll Injector output data:"??

And, How can I undo "FIFA CONFIG PATCH" step?? FML not works for me and don't let me play anymore because of "FIFA CONFIG PATCH" applied.

Thanks! (I'm looking forward to having the advanced camera GP soon!)


Reserve Team
maybe this sound like joke but i want to ask you Fidel if it is possible to make the lod tool working with xbox one?
i think that revolution mod was working on xbox


Youth Team
your gameplay mod for fifa19 is far better then the fifa 18 one
i almost lost all games , get kicked from copa del rey in the first round, did not manage to pass the pool stage in the CL
only one request as you reduced the overall rating of players and by the same way their value, can you reduce team budget ,when keeping the same budget a team like real madrid can buy hazard neymar mbappe and ronaldo in the same transfert window


Youth Team
your gameplay mod for fifa19 is far better then the fifa 18 one
i almost lost all games , get kicked from copa del rey in the first round, did not manage to pass the pool stage in the CL
only one request as you reduced the overall rating of players and by the same way their value, can you reduce team budget ,when keeping the same budget a team like real madrid can buy hazard neymar mbappe and ronaldo in the same transfert window
It can be done by editing the data base>teams table. Just reduce club value and increase profitability (the lower the number, the greater the budget), transform it into a squad file again and ready.

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
I followed these steps in the new WFT 0.4, but not works. (A instructions would be appreciate for noobs ;-) )
0. Origin closed
1. FIFA CONFIG PATCH --> works
2. PHYSICS-ANIMS--> works and create initfs_DEFAULT correctly
3. FML FOR WIN10 --> Origins starts but "Remote dll" charge a random file from any folder in the PC (squads files, initfs_32, etc, founded in any folder). For example: C:\Users\G\Desktop\FIFA 19 Mods\FIFA19_AGPE_PURE_CTRL_PACK_1.0 [D+]_pub_\AGPE_DB\IMMERSIVE\Squads_AGPE_DB_IMM_001

So, what file is supposed to charge the "RemoteDll Injector output data:"??

And, How can I undo "FIFA CONFIG PATCH" step?? FML not works for me and don't let me play anymore because of "FIFA CONFIG PATCH" applied.

Thanks! (I'm looking forward to having the advanced camera GP soon!)

The issue is related to your win 10 or antivirus protection.
The folder \Launcher and Launcher.ini will be generated in the main FWT directory when you run FML?
The file Launcher.ini will be updated after runing FML function?
If you are using Comodo Protection, try to temporarily disable autocontainments and/or antivir protection.
Are you offline?
When Origin sign in screen is displayed just login and wait injection + game start,
but I understand that it does not work in your pc, and isn't easy solve your issue.
Before sharing the new version I've tested in 7 different pc with Win 10 and Fifa19 and worked perfectly in all pc.

To restore fifaconfig to default just go in \FIFA 19\FIFASetup and delete modded fifaconfig.exe,
then rename the fifaconfig.exe.default to fifaconfig.exe, ready.
Anyway the fifaconfig restoration is not required because you can run the game fast also to play game normally or online.
The revo 19 gp cam will out only when I'm able to edit game with frosty.

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
maybe this sound like joke but i want to ask you Fidel if it is possible to make the lod tool working with xbox one?
i think that revolution mod was working on xbox

Hello, I'm sorry but this is impossible because the fifa revo ultra lod tool it is a fb mod injected via memory.

Fidel Gameplay

Senior Squad
your gameplay mod for fifa19 is far better then the fifa 18 one
i almost lost all games , get kicked from copa del rey in the first round, did not manage to pass the pool stage in the CL
only one request as you reduced the overall rating of players and by the same way their value, can you reduce team budget ,when keeping the same budget a team like real madrid can buy hazard neymar mbappe and ronaldo in the same transfert window

Enjoy bro. Atm I've not updated my 19 to FIFA TITLE UPDATE - 6th NOVEMBER,
atm I'm with 23rd October game version, and I like it very much,
in UCL (CM) sometimes I get 2 impressive penalty in 1 match.
Anyway you can update your game and the agpe will always works,
just re-apply the ini, continue your agpe career mode, etc...
Some games are like a chess game, so try to do the right sub with a super
fresh and fast player in the pitch, this will make the difference when the CPU (but also your team) is tired. Remember to cover the ball properly to get a foul, try to go in advantage in order to make the cpu more aggressive and advanced, do the possession to make the cpu tired a lot, then punish it but not always is the same.....
The serie a is just impressive, because include individual traits addon specific for the real serie a I see in tv. For example if I see a defender do more long passes so in the agpe db I'll add the long pass trait to that player, imagine how incredible is this work, if I've started to check out this for years, watching mathes in tv and pinning some players statistics in real time, for the serie a is almost complete.
Little video (already shared but only in com website):
The full agpe also include a sort of revolutionary manual diver for the controlled player if pushed/pulled by the cpu,
already shared tips and how to use but no one understand.

About your req.:
Yes this is a common issue when the ovr is reduced, in the future you can fix yourself with frosty editor,
editing playervalues.ini and wages etc in career folder.
Atm you can follow qasar80 tips.
Just export the db from the "mother squads db" the one in the pack your downloaded (squads never saved in game),
(otherwise you must clean the db after edits and before you import back to play in career mode)
open the exported immersive db with dbm, export players table,
open with excel, apply a formula to the related column to reduce budget etc for all teams,
save tables in the same format, import modded table back in the db, save it, import and generate your squads, load, play. To manage db stored in squads just use my tool.

Only if you open the immersive db via dbm you can see how incredible is the column related to trait1 in players table,
no one players with trait1 to 0 in the gp db, but try to compare with any default squads db
Compare using 2 dbm threads and browse/scroll down to check players table.

To Gons1 about the old req to restore players height in the immersive db:
just use the same steps shared but for you will be much more easy:
you must copy the height column from default agpe db and paste in the immersive players table height column, generate squads, ready.
This is possible only because the two agpe dbs are twin (row order are simmetrics), otherwise never do this.
Last edited:


Youth Team
Fidel, do you know if there is any possibility to change low shot control at double tapping shoot button, like in fifa 18?
I like better fifa 19 but I absolutely hate that timed shot and would like to have low shot instead.
Anyway, did anyone got right the timed shot??? I play with it deactivated.


Club Supporter
Fidel, do you know if there is any possibility to change low shot control at double tapping shoot button, like in fifa 18?
I like better fifa 19 but I absolutely hate that timed shot and would like to have low shot instead.
Anyway, did anyone got right the timed shot??? I play with it deactivated.
Fully agree with that. Since I play on full manual, it's impossible to aim and to perform a timed shot all at the same time...


Youth Team
Enjoy bro. Atm I've not updated my 19 to FIFA TITLE UPDATE - 6th NOVEMBER,
atm I'm with 23rd October game version, and I like it very much,
in UCL (CM) sometimes I get 2 impressive penalty in 1 match.
Anyway you can update your game and the agpe will always works,
just re-apply the ini, continue your agpe career mode, etc...
Some games are like a chess game, so try to do the right sub with a super
fresh and fast player in the pitch, this will make the difference when the CPU (but also your team) is tired. Remember to cover the ball properly to get a foul, try to go in advantage in order to make the cpu more aggressive and advanced, do the possession to make the cpu tired a lot, then punish it but not always is the same.....
The serie a is just impressive, because include individual traits addon specific for the real serie a I see in tv. For example if I see a defender do more long passes so in the agpe db I'll add the long pass trait to that player, imagine how incredible is this work, if I've started to check out this for years, watching mathes in tv and pinning some players statistics in real time, for the serie a is almost complete.
Little video (already shared but only in com website):
The full agpe also include a sort of revolutionary manual diver for the controlled player if pushed/pulled by the cpu,
already shared tips and how to use but no one understand.

About your req.:
Yes this is a common issue when the ovr is reduced, in the future you can fix yourself with frosty editor,
editing playervalues.ini and wages etc in career folder.
Atm you can follow qasar80 tips.
Just export the db from the "mother squads db" the one in the pack your downloaded (squads never saved in game),
(otherwise you must clean the db after edits and before you import back to play in career mode)
open the exported immersive db with dbm, export players table,
open with excel, apply a formula to the related column to reduce budget etc for all teams,
save tables in the same format, import modded table back in the db, save it, import and generate your squads, load, play. To manage db stored in squads just use my tool.

Only if you open the immersive db via dbm you can see how incredible is the column related to trait1 in players table,
no one players with trait1 to 0 in the gp db, but try to compare with any default squads db
Compare using 2 dbm threads and browse/scroll down to check players table.

To Gons1 about the old req to restore players height in the immersive db:
just use the same steps shared but for you will be much more easy:
you must copy the height column from default agpe db and paste in the immersive players table height column, generate squads, ready.
This is possible only because the two agpe dbs are twin (row order are simmetrics), otherwise never do this.

from my experience with the fifa 18 agpe any change made to difficulty / half match length / slider twick even changing the ball.. will screw the gampelay completely sending me to the vanilla gameplay
when i apllied fifa 19 agpe i found it not hard enough so i changed slider: set pass error to 65... then suddenly things got much harder for me, i did not want to change those value i feared to screw the gameplay so i decided to continue playing with them despite endless defeats XDD


Club Supporter
Hey Fidel, i'm with W10

Have disable Wind defender, anti virus and Firewall.

i run your tool :

1 - Fifa config start fast patch
2 - aneable phys anim
3 - FML for W10 ( origin closed )

But have this error on console :

Error: LoadLibrary on remote process [10904] failed. Try running RemoteDll as Administrator

Have activate Run Admin on prorpieties, but same error...
@Fidel Gameplay it would be possible a squad of fifa 19 with the boys Hunter Kid, Walker Kid, Fidel Kid, Thomas Bradley, Ramón Castillo, Pavel Plotnikov, Gareth, I tried to include through DB using as base their squads of fifa 18 but only of error. Would it be possible in the future a squad for download ??


Club Supporter
Hello everyone, first of all thanks Fidel for investing your time and sharing yours mods with us, they've always been amazing.

I've got some questions about the instalation/checking if the locale.ini is beign read, I mean the ball on the Free Arena has changed but not to the new UCL - will got a printscreen soon - and I've tested changing the localization (i.e using english with metric system) and it's worked.

So is this enought to assure me that I'll be playing against the new CPU AI ?
- my fifa is up to date to the 5th november (can this be the diference between balls ?) and I'm following the recomendations to run the game offline.

I'm using Windows 8.1 Home - I've got exams until 21st of November after that I can test with a Windows 7 partition.