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Creating Fifa 23 Faces


Youth Team
Hello guys.
I`m thinking about buying fifa 23 but only if i still can creating kits, clubs, faces.
Can You tell me it still the same way to do it like in fifa 22? editor tool, db master, rdbm etc.?
And also can i easy convert faces from fifa 22? because i have a lot of faces created for fifa 22 and i really like to transfer them to fifa 23.
Everything is the same,... practically. Most can be exported and except for a different format (blender edition),... I have even used faces and trophies made for fifa 20/21.


Youth Team
Thanks a lot!
one more thing. Do you know some links where can i find what i need? including blender adds/versions?
Thanks a lot!
one more thing. Do you know some links where can i find what i need? including blender adds/versions?
The edition does not change, because it is the same F.E.T., but the updated version (on your discord server),... and the same with blender (except for what was indicated about the name format of the layers for the head and eyes in the edition of the faces, as indicated in the discord link), because the .fbx files created a few years ago work for me without a problem.

For the squads, RDBM (updated version) is still used, although DB Master is not recommended (I only use it to export DB tables,... but I don't save it, I use the editor included in FET).
Live Editor and Cheat Engine also works (the versions indicated on their discord servers)

The only thing I have a problem with is the compdata files (two new files appear) and a new tournament just didn't work for me.