Tom said:thanks guys, response ive got here means a lot.
I suppose you've all touched on the same thing that i just cant let this go on, as Yash (and others suggested), im gonna try saying yes to simple things that my mates suggest, maybe going out straight away and getting a girlfriend is a little out of my immediate scope right now (which it is), but just "hanging" with mates and almost, experiencing "later" nights can prepare me that little bit more. Maybe just going to a pub until closing time will get me to relax a bit in those situations.
I figure, if im comfortable going to almost every place at every time, then that will essentially make me more confident when i do attempt to get a girlfriend, because wherever she wants to go or whatever she wants to do, im gonna be able to do it. Obviously when i do finally get in a relationship im not exactly going to be GOOD at it, but at least ill learn and if i find the right girl, im sure she'd understand to some extent.
Just to clarify Yash, making friends i have no problem with, like i say i honestly am the most friendly person you'll ever meet and i have lots of close female friends who are giving the same advice as you. The prob is that at the minute i cant determine anything between someone whos a friend and someone who is obviously giving me the looks lol
Like i say though i dont want to focus on that, it isnt my interest at the min to have a girlfriend, i simply want to get more confident in what i do. In just over a years time i want to be going into Journalism, one of the most confident-driven job sectors in the world, so instead of being scared im simply gonna do what i do with stuff like exams; if it all seems to be going ****, laugh dont cry
Actually, ive got through many things in my life (driving test etc) with laughter, maybe I should try it more! I was talking to my friends the other day, and I was saying how hard it must be to teach secondary school children due to their behaviour (11-16yr olds).
They said; "not really Tom, the first thing you learn is that if you go into that room acting confident, they cant touch you, even if you arent actually confident at all!", and to be honest, they're totally correct. The best teachers/lecturers are the ones who are confident, and i just thought it was a very interesting comment to make. Just thought id share that!
Heh, cool, i'm doing Journalism at Uni at the moment.