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Compdata leagues and playoffs

The only one I know off the top of my head is 119 for compids. Most common ones to hit are compids, tasks and schedules usually in that order
Hi everybody !

(Sorry for bad english !!!)

I'm modding French 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th divisions.
I have 2 problems :
(1) The first is that i don't know how to make playoffs between the 3rd div and the 2nd.
(2) When i take a league and put it in 6th place in French division, the league does not appear in the game, i see *LeagueName_abbr* or idk what. The fact is that i edit the league as i already done for others leagues i edited so i don't understand why it doesn't work this time (limit of league for a single country ?)

I wanted to make the real playoffs system between the 3rd place in 3rd division and the 18th of the 2nd. I took the playoffs system between 2. Bundesliga and 3. Liga because this is the same system. So i wrote that this playoff will be french (id : 840), i replaced german slots called "poss" (that are used in playoffs) by slot promo and releg (so by removing playoffs, 3 teams will move every year, without playoffs). I deleted the line with "forcecomp".

Then i put the "forcecomp" line to the 2nd and 3rd french divisions and inserted slots "poss" for each one.

When i open the game and simulate a year, i see in the competitions the playoffs but it's german teams that plays in and not french ones.

2) 6th DIVISION :
I wanted to make the french 6th division called "Régional 1". I took the Japan first division and like other leagues i edited i put the id 840 (france) in compdata "compobj". In RDBM22, in "leagues" tab i told that the japaneese league is now french "18" and it's the 6th level "6". I wrote in compdata "settings" that the 2 best teams go in 5th division and the 2 worst of 5th div would go to 6th division.

I edited the standings of the league (by reducing team to 0) and edited the schedule (by deleting matches to 22 (because of 12 teams si 2x11) and changing starting month to July).

When i launch Fifa to try, leagues appears in Kick-off section but in Create a career section, the "6th division" appears like i used a bad id for the league. The name of league is "LeagueName_abbrXXXX" (i don't remember what was written) and i can't select anything in the league.
Do you think that we have a limite of 5 divisions for a country ? Because i litteraly edited the league as i done for others so i don't think i made a mistake.

If it's a schedule problem, do you think i can easily take another league instead of Japan, like India ?
But i'll need to remove their playoffs system (to determine who'll be champion) so is that easy ? How to proceed ?
hey bro sorry to ask you that but is your mod out ?