Ok heres my notes for the first steps I had to follow - I apologise if this is overly complicated. When I have time I will explain fully.
The first thing to do is identify possible problems with the changes you are planning to make.
– Replacing the Polish league will break the structure of the champions league/Europa league/conference league. Therefore we need to have a plan to increase the number of qualifiers from other leagues to resolve this.
Solution – Tasks is the table where these tournament are filled from the other leagues. I need to take out any reference to the polish league in the European tournaments and also any references to Poland the country otherwise when you change the nation of the league it will break. I find the lines for compobj for these tournaments
Champions League – Line 95 to 178
Europa League – Line 179 to 249
Conference League – Line 250 to 326
Poland is nation 37 in the database. The polish leagueid is 66. So we are looking in the tasks table for
FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry which mentions the league number 66 between line 95 and 326. In the excel link table I highlight them in red so I know which ones I am changing. There is also a polish cup so we need to identify FillFromCompTableBackupLeague lines which mention the cup which has a backup league of 66. The cup id is 1128. So I highlight this line too.
I am going to replace these lines with other tournaments/leagues. I have gave the Scottish league an extra spot in the champions league (qualifiers). So delete this line (109)
and change line 110 so it looks like this:
I then found the Scottish league reference in compobj
The compobj line reference is 1255 so I go to settings and I add this line:
And change
We now need to remove these lines in tasks
and replace with more teams from another league instead. I’ve chose to increase the Romanian teams that qualify to 1 extra so
Changes to
Now we export all of the compdata files and import them to test.
Now secondly we need to the same for the Asian Champions League because we are removing several Asian Leagues. Asian champions league is currently at compdata lines 1562 – 1582. So in tasks we need to find these lines where it Fills From leagues. And they appear like this
Because we are removing some of them we need to identify the leagueids for the ones we take out:
China - 2012
Saudi - 350
Japan – 349
So we need to remove these and increase some other others to fill those missing slots…
Easiest way as there is only now 2 countries is to give each of them 8 slots each
Remove this line:
As this will cause more problems. Now test into season 2 to make sure UEFA champions league still works and AFC Champs League still works.
DONE and confirmed as working. Now we can start adding the actual leagues (the fun bit)
The first thing to do is identify possible problems with the changes you are planning to make.
– Replacing the Polish league will break the structure of the champions league/Europa league/conference league. Therefore we need to have a plan to increase the number of qualifiers from other leagues to resolve this.
Solution – Tasks is the table where these tournament are filled from the other leagues. I need to take out any reference to the polish league in the European tournaments and also any references to Poland the country otherwise when you change the nation of the league it will break. I find the lines for compobj for these tournaments
Champions League – Line 95 to 178
Europa League – Line 179 to 249
Conference League – Line 250 to 326
Poland is nation 37 in the database. The polish leagueid is 66. So we are looking in the tasks table for
FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry which mentions the league number 66 between line 95 and 326. In the excel link table I highlight them in red so I know which ones I am changing. There is also a polish cup so we need to identify FillFromCompTableBackupLeague lines which mention the cup which has a backup league of 66. The cup id is 1128. So I highlight this line too.
I am going to replace these lines with other tournaments/leagues. I have gave the Scottish league an extra spot in the champions league (qualifiers). So delete this line (109)
95 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 100 | 66 | 1 | 3 |
and change line 110 so it looks like this:
95 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 100 | 50 | 2 | 4 |
I then found the Scottish league reference in compobj
1255 | 5 | G1 | FCE_Championship_Group | 1254 |
The compobj line reference is 1255 so I go to settings and I add this line:
1255 | info_color_slot_champ_cup | 3 |
1255 | info_color_slot_uecl | 3 |
1255 | info_color_slot_uecl | 4 |
1255 | info_color_slot_uecl | 4 |
1255 | info_color_slot_uecl | 5 |
We now need to remove these lines in tasks
250 | start | FillFromCompTableBackupLeague | 253 | 1128 | 66 | 1 | ||
250 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 253 | 66 | 2 | 3 |
and replace with more teams from another league instead. I’ve chose to increase the Romanian teams that qualify to 1 extra so
250 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 253 | 330 | 1 | 3 |
250 | start | FillFromCompTableBackupLeague | 253 | 1216 | 330 | 1 |
250 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 253 | 330 | 2 | 4 |
250 | start | FillFromCompTableBackupLeague | 253 | 1216 | 330 | 1 |
Now we export all of the compdata files and import them to test.
Now secondly we need to the same for the Asian Champions League because we are removing several Asian Leagues. Asian champions league is currently at compdata lines 1562 – 1582. So in tasks we need to find these lines where it Fills From leagues. And they appear like this
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 2012 | 3 | 3 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 349 | 4 | 4 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 350 | 3 | 3 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 83 | 3 | 3 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 351 | 2 | 2 |
Because we are removing some of them we need to identify the leagueids for the ones we take out:
China - 2012
Saudi - 350
Japan – 349
So we need to remove these and increase some other others to fill those missing slots…
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 83 | 3 | 3 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 351 | 2 | 2 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 83 | 8 | 8 |
1562 | start | FillFromLeagueMaxFromCountry | 1564 | 351 | 8 | 8 |
Remove this line:
1562 | start | FillFromCompTable | 1564 | 1604 | 1 | 0 |
As this will cause more problems. Now test into season 2 to make sure UEFA champions league still works and AFC Champs League still works.
DONE and confirmed as working. Now we can start adding the actual leagues (the fun bit)