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Comments on the patch v1.0... (or issit v1.25->1.3)

-All bugs mentioned fixed.
-Record replay(i haven't tried yet, see readmepatch.txt)
-replay for fouls, offside...etc
-additional cheats: bigheads, smallheads, player scale(wow my idea of bigheads!!!! where's my copyright fee :p )
-add your own commentaries and set crowd volume

-Com still tackle from behind(altough it is mentioned that it's fixed, the players still could tackle miracurouly from behind)
-the changing the selected player seems more retarded(not like the original one, why?)
-The define controller keys is still messed up in the game.
-dumpkit: raw files has messed up graphics when opened with adobe photoshop..(?) Maybe dumped to bmp is much better?

Lastly, thanks for the U.C guys for working overtime and speak to us in the forum. :)

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: iceboy ]

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: iceboy ]


Starting XI
Actually when I just got done playing and the computer got called twice for a tackle from behind. Both resulted in yellow cards (I wasn't on breakaways or anything).


Now that the patch has come out, is this game worth buying?

Is the patch good?
I figured out that when the ball is not with you, the "pass" button is used to select player, and "shoot" button used to tackle. That wasn't mentioned in the patch, so the "select player" button is only used during dead ball situation. That's why I said it's retarded in the first post.
And yes, the patch is good. Did you try the bigheads philler?

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: iceboy ]


Fan Favourite
Iceboy I don't understand a few things.
I downloaded patch v1.0 not v1.3 as you mentioned :confused:
Where do I enter cheats and what are they and how do I add my own commentaries and where can I find the readme file???
Have you got a different version or what?
Where did you download your from?
Originally posted by PhiLLer:
<STRONG>Iceboy I don't understand a few things.
I downloaded patch v1.0 not v1.3 as you mentioned :confused:
Where do I enter cheats and what are they and how do I add my own commentaries and where can I find the readme file???
Have you got a different version or what?
Where did you download your from?

Ok mate, I'll explain. After you installed the patch, go to the UEFA Challenge folder, there is file called ReadmePatch.txt Inside it says: UEFA Challenge (C) Infogrames 2001 - Readme file Patch v1.25 to 1.3

To use the bighead cheat, during the in game, press the "scroll lock" button and there is a word 'console open' on the screen.

Type: bigheads to get big heads cheat
Thre are more like smallheads, normalhead, setplayerscale <number>, framerate and version. It's all in the readmepatch.txt.
If you think your file is different from what I have, get the link from soccered.com.


Reserve Team
Originally posted by PhiLLer:
<STRONG>Yup, because the game might just appear accidentaly on your door step....miracles happen ya'know :)</STRONG>

Who knows? :D

I will be buying a game this month, MGS is ahead, but.. who said I couldn't buy two?


Club Supporter
The select player has changed, It used to be button 7 but is now button 1 (default controls). I don't like that change.

You cannot redefine it either. Also Pass and lob have been swapped round and redefine keys are saying the wrong things. eg. I set the pass to be button 1 and when I press button 1 it lobs the ball.

without ball - before button 1 just to be standing tackle is now select player - where the hell is standing tackle gone to.

Why these weird changes. - Please change the controls so that they work as you tell them to.


Club Supporter
Three bugs that still bother me are:
1) ALT+S quits the game (is that even a bug?)
2) The net doesn't move in the replay...
3) Long pauses when you start/quit a game.
Why don't you just get a controller? I understands some people play game with keyboards.. but sports games... i dunwan to spoil my keyboard by punching it ;)
ok, back to the topic.
I seem to be able to tap in the ball easily(or did the gk became more stupid?) with the patch. That's cool, but I'm scoring too much on medium level. Gotta try hard later.. I hope I don't get thrashed.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: iceboy ]