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CHELSEA FC Thread [2005-2006]

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Senior Squad
That's odd, I thought that the only I was the only lad thinking why did they sign Schevchenko and make almost nil effort to get a Torres, Adriano, Podolski, etc. kind of player.

I was also glad to see those Lahm rumours of a move to Chelsea and unglad to see them dispelled a wee time later. If he moved from Bayern to Chelsea, then he'd be going from my favourite team to my other favourite but I think Chelsea would be better off with him when it comes to "completing the puzzle" (I know that we have Bridge who's as good but he's unfortunately fallen out of favour with the club and will never be held in the same regard as he was with Raneiri). Phillip Lahm though is one of the best Right Full Back's in the world and maybe the best young right fill back so he'd make a nice signing.

*Sorry for the long post. I shouldn't expect you to read it when I skim through your's most of the time but I don't have much time now. Today for me was writing a 2 hr. final exam, watching the WC (watched the 2nd and 3rd games) studying for my Physics exam tomorrow, watching the Stanley Cup Final (ice hockey), and playing lacrosse.
Exams don't give me enough time for sports. On Friday it'll all be over though and I can finally read all your posts (even if I'm too lazy to make any )and other sports stuff on the net. Canada's such a retarded country. Stay in England or Sweden or Germany or wherever you are, you're better off there. Half of Canada is morons who are literate (and I'm a nice person from everything I've been told so that's quite something coming from me). Canada's like a third world country in disguise as a first world country.


Make America Great Again
treble41 said:
I was also glad to see those Lahm rumours of a move to Chelsea and unglad to see them dispelled a wee time later. If he moved from Bayern to Chelsea, then he'd be going from my favourite team to my other favourite but I think Chelsea would be better off with him when it comes to "completing the puzzle" (I know that we have Bridge who's as good but he's unfortunately fallen out of favour with the club and will never be held in the same regard as he was with Raneiri). Phillip Lahm though is one of the best Right Full Back's in the world and maybe the best young right fill back so he'd make a nice signing.

*Sorry for the long post.

It's not a long post.

First off, while Lahm is naturally a right footed player, he play left back. Secondly, he hasn't proven anything yet and in my opinion he's not World Class just yet. Wayne Bridge and honestly, Assier del Horno are just as good.


Fan Favourite
treble41 said:
I was also glad to see those Lahm rumours of a move to Chelsea and unglad to see them dispelled a wee time later. If he moved from Bayern to Chelsea, then he'd be going from my favourite team to my other favourite but I think Chelsea would be better off with him when it comes to "completing the puzzle" (I know that we have Bridge who's as good but he's unfortunately fallen out of favour with the club and will never be held in the same regard as he was with Raneiri). Phillip Lahm though is one of the best Right Full Back's in the world and maybe the best young right fill back so he'd make a nice signing.
I really doubt that Bayern would let Lahm go. A left-back of his age and quality does not come around everyday, Chelsea would have to fork out around 25 mil at least.

Don't really know in what way Canada is retarted. The fact that elementary and secondary schools finish in June really does suck, but universities finish at the end of April, so it's not that bad at all.
And if you meant coverage, than i thought Canada has one of the best World Cup coverages in the world. Firstly you get absolutely all 64 games live on different channels and then you can also catch the replays in the evening. And if you missed both, for those that have Rogers Cable can watch absolutely ANY world cup game that is more than 24 hours old On Demand, any time for free. And you can also fast forward and rewind it :rockman: Perfect for those who missed the live game and wanted to find out the scores by watching the game.


Starting XI

1. Lahm may not have proven much thusfar, but he has looked good in the world cup, and id bet my lunch money he'd be better in England than Del Horno, who has lost his confidence AND didnt have the physicality in the first place. Please Jose, sell him back to Spain. Id rate Bridge with or ahead of Lahm and almost as good as virtually anyone we can get. But for whatever reason, he's going to be sold, and were going to have a geriatric playing LB for us

And we will never get Lahm anymore. We had the chance and blew it last summer to get him cheap. Now he will cost far more money than he is worth, but then again, thats never stopped us before

2. Podolski, Adriano, Torres, etc, are simply not Andiry Shevchenko. Ever. Yes they have physical gifts. Yes, they are young. Yes, I would welcome to Chelsea with open arms. But the trophies are to be won in the here and now, not in the future. Thats what Roman, Jose, Kenyon are thinking about. Just keep your fingers crossed that Sheva can stay healthy

treble41 said:
Canada's such a retarded country. Stay in England or Sweden or Germany or wherever you are, you're better off there. Half of Canada is morons who are literate (and I'm a nice person from everything I've been told so that's quite something coming from me). Canada's like a third world country in disguise as a first world country.
What? :|

Canada is a retarded country? I lived there only 10 years ago, has it changed that much? I am a proud canadian and I share that fact avidly. And people in Canada have their heads screwed on correctly about most things, unlike the cackle of rich, surburbanite, cracker motherf**ker morons youll find by the boatload in Northern Virginia. People that have no moral scruples about 18-22 year olds dying in Iraq and killing families because they can get in their Escalades and Expeditions and go home to their fox news, 2.5 kids and bitch about their 100K a year job. Do you know what its like living around people like that? When half my family is in abject poverty in an afghan hillside somewhere? I get so mad listening to people talk out of their fat, uneducated mouths here I want to rip their heads off and blow their SUV's up.

So wisen up kid. Be happy with your situation is all I can tell you. Be happy you live in a nation where you can live so comfortably with a leadership that acts in the best intrest of its people and by its own moral compass. In my opinion, you cant do better than Canada, and I have lived overseas

4. Clearly I am a big bag of wind


Make America Great Again
TheBlueBalla said:
1. Lahm may not have proven much thusfar, but he has looked good in the world cup, and id bet my lunch money he'd be better in England than Del Horno, who has lost his confidence AND didnt have the physicality in the first place. Please Jose, sell him back to Spain. Id rate Bridge with or ahead of Lahm and almost as good as virtually anyone we can get. But for whatever reason, he's going to be sold, and were going to have a geriatric playing LB for us

And we will never get Lahm anymore. We had the chance and blew it last summer to get him cheap. Now he will cost far more money than he is worth, but then again, thats never stopped us before

Canada is a retarded country? I lived there only 10 years ago, has it changed that much? I am a proud canadian and I share that fact avidly. And people in Canada have their heads screwed on correctly about most things, unlike the cackle of rich, surburbanite, cracker motherf**ker morons youll find by the boatload in Northern Virginia. People that have no moral scruples about 18-22 year olds dying in Iraq and killing families because they can get in their Escalades and Expeditions and go home to their fox news, 2.5 kids and bitch about their 100K a year job. Do you know what its like living around people like that? When half my family is in abject poverty in an afghan hillside somewhere? I get so mad listening to people talk out of their fat, uneducated mouths here I want to rip their heads off and blow their SUV's up.

So wisen up kid. Be happy with your situation is all I can tell you. Be happy you live in a nation where you can live so comfortably with a leadership that acts in the best intrest of its people and by its own moral compass. In my opinion, you cant do better than Canada, and I have lived overseas

I don't remember the Lahm rumors from last summer, and I doubt that he would have been all that cheap, or you would have wanted him. First of all he injured himself at the end of the season with Stuttgart (or maybe it was in the Confederation's Cup?) and like tore his ACL. He only started playing for Bayern again this season about one or two games before the winter break, and he's still recovering, they say tearing knee ligaments like that is a two year recovery.

Secondly, Bayern loaned him out to Stuttgart to improve and he was there for like 2 or 3 years while Bayern watched one of their best young players help lift Stuttgart to prominence in Germany. He was finally comming back last summer and I highly doubt that we would have been willing to sell him, even out of Germany.

Naturally you're correct about Canada and the guy bitching is an ignorant kid in many aspects. Sorry Treble, I swear I got nothing against you except that you cheer for Chelsea as much as you cheer for Bayern, but it's true. And let me refer to the bold part... hahaha, you stereotype (H)


Starting XI
I dont know of any formal bids, I just remember errant rumors and alot of Chelsea fans who were Bundesliga watchers swearing by him, and that he was the answer to our leftback problem. At the time he was still young and at Stuttgart (like a year and a half ago, I guess) so I guess they were thinking Bayern didnt value him more than a fat fee could dislodge him for (the whole "do we wait to see if this kid pans out or do we just take an overpayment now" mentality) so I guess even with some bids we wouldnt have landed him. The alternative, as we all know, was Asier del Horno. Yikes

And im glad to see my unrelated bitching isnt lost on everyone :p


Team Captain
Always read your stuff with interest Omar. Your efforts are never wasted mate.

You are running me close for the " bag o' wind of the year " award though man.... :funny:


That Nice Guy
may i just say, there was one beautiful piece of teamwork between Cole and Lampard today, clearly out of the Chelsea playbook (H)


Make America Great Again
Cannavaro is like 32 isn't he? I mean, normally a 32 year old would be relishing the opportunity to spend the twilight of his career at a place like Chelsea, but Cannavaro is still good enough to start for any team in the world, why would he want to back up Richardo Carvalho? He's in good enough shape to play as long as Desailly.


Starting XI
tribal football :nape:

we need a resolution on the frigging Gallas solution immediately. We shouldve had it before the world cup to have the time to make the right moves, but we were content to let it sit. Either Billy goes and Ricardo stays or they both stay and we shop Ricardo. Pretty simple really

Until then, all this talk of Cannavaro, Sergio Ramos, Cristian Chivu, etc etc is totally meaningless.

However, when punishment gets handed down by the Italian FA, we need to be on the ball about Zambrotta if there is even a glimmer of hope he could be sold


Senior Squad
Chelsea Football Club can confirm that Petr Cech had a routine shoulder operation on Monday following the Czech Republic's exit from the World Cup.

hope he recovers well, hes a great goalie


Senior Squad
TheBlueBalla said:
And people in Canada have their heads screwed on correctly about most things, unlike the cackle of rich, surburbanite, cracker motherf**ker morons youll find by the boatload in Northern Virginia.

Haha, true. (H)

I really want Torres to come. He's only like 24 and he did good at the WC.

Joaquin would be a good not-so-expensive signing as he stated that he needed a new challenge.

And the Robben rumours, uhhh.....BS. All the candidates have stated that they will sign all these players. First, they want the votes thrown to them with all these "promises". Second, they also might be trying to unrest the players.

I've heard we signed this Isralian youngster...true?


Team Captain
Torres unimpresses me I'm afraid. I really dont see what all the fuss is about over this guy, he is very average. We want great players at Chelsea and I dont rate him as such at this time. Just my opinion. :$
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