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Botola Pro 1 & Moroccan National Football Team [French/Arabic/English Support]

Hello, here is a mod that I have with my own hands, the sweats and the fatigue of myself for consecrated this mod (this jewel !) The Moroccan football league (2022-2023) ! (Botola Pro 1, if you prefer) completely functional ! ( PLEASE SUPPORT IS ONLY FRENCH,ARABIC AND ENGLISH !!! thanks )

Here are the available clubs, all teams of Botola Pro 1 are here ! :

Mas de Fès
Far rabat
Js Soualem
Olympique Safi
SCC Mohammedia
Ithihad tangier
Hassania Agadir
Moghreb Atletico Tetuan
El Jadida
Fus Rabat
Union Tourga
Mouloudia Oujda
OC Khouribga

This is the final of the mod, maybe there will be some patch in the future, ENJOY !

New version : (Little Update ! ENJOY !:))

(The installation is downstairs)
File to mods (FINAL, UPDATE) :
Squad file (FINAL, UPDATE) :

BONUS (Moroccan tv) : http://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/fifa-22-moroccan-television.6471470/#post-6735647


1. Download the mod file and the squad file found on this page.

2. Place the mod file in the mod manager

3. Place the squad file in settings folder of FIFA 22 in your Documents/FIFA22/settings

4. Launch the game using mod manager

5. Once you are in game, go to customize, then click on settings, then click on load squads and select Botola Pro 1 squad file.

Some pictures ( Update ) :







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Hello bro, your mod looks nice. I suggest not doing botola 2 now. First make this mod really good. These are all suggestions below, Add the moroccan national team, and fix career mode bugs (which you will probably have). I would also say to remove the austrian logo from there. Also assign some small stadiums to teams, you should probably also add some banners for the teams if possible. Try to do a score board (really hard to do), add adboards.you have done good work!
Hello bro, your mod looks nice. I suggest not doing botola 2 now. First make this mod really good. These are all suggestions below, Add the moroccan national team, and fix career mode bugs (which you will probably have). I would also say to remove the austrian logo from there. Also assign some small stadiums to teams, you should probably also add some banners for the teams if possible. Try to do a score board (really hard to do), add adboards.you have done good work!
thank you for your suggestion i think your right for the botola pro 2 at the moment i have solved some problems like the australian badges on the jerseys, at the moment i'm trying to do the faces but i admit it's complicated...
thanks again :)
But I advise you not to make a "serious career" mode because I would add a new player which will not count in the career mode ( that will not crash the carrer mod, just not realistic )
But I advise you not to make a "serious career" mode because I would add a new player which will not count in the career mode ( that will not crash the carrer mod, just not realistic )
ok thank you very much , tried the mod an t's really good, my dad thought i was actually watching a game when he saw the arryadia logo
is there a video that you used to find out how to do this? if so please tell me because i am very curious but no one will answer/tell me