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can you share kits far rabat & Renaissance Berkane bro ?
Hey Bro! Great mod, but I have faced 2 bugs while playing. First one is, for some reason I can't make subs. Like I chose a sub and put him in the team, but the player in the main team just does not sub off. Second bug is when I try to resume from the squad editor, it does not resume back to the game. The "B" button and "ESC" key just does not work so I have to close the game manually and start again. Thank you!
Hey Bro! Great mod, but I have faced 2 bugs while playing. First one is, for some reason I can't make subs. Like I chose a sub and put him in the team, but the player in the main team just does not sub off. Second bug is when I try to resume from the squad editor, it does not resume back to the game. The "B" button and "ESC" key just does not work so I have to close the game manually and start again. Thank you!
I got the same, I try to resolved as much as I can, thats the only good thing I could do.
But I think it's from EA Sport directly, I wasn't the first and last having this issue, it took me so many time doing the mod that I was just tired even thinking about the game, I just give up
I did some tests
I got the same, I try to resolved as much as I can, thats the only good thing I could do.
But I think it's from EA Sport directly, I wasn't the first and last having this issue, it took me so many time doing the mod that I was just tired even thinking about the game, I just give up
I did some tests, From reading the comments I understood that you replaced the Chinese league with the Moroccan one. When you pick a team and see the squad, you see the players from the Chinese league like Oscar for example. When you press on a team everything is normal but you can't add subs of move players around. That only happens on smaller team like Hassnia for example. Team like Raja and Wydad before you enter the team, all the names, mini faces are of the players of Raja and Wydad. Also that glitch does not affect Raja and Wydad. I can make subs and exit team management. One last thing, I played a game of Volta Football with Hussania and then played a normal kickoff match. The bug was fixed I could make subs and exit team management. But right after the bug came back. This is all the info I gathered so far.
I did some tests

I did some tests, From reading the comments I understood that you replaced the Chinese league with the Moroccan one. When you pick a team and see the squad, you see the players from the Chinese league like Oscar for example. When you press on a team everything is normal but you can't add subs of move players around. That only happens on smaller team like Hassnia for example. Team like Raja and Wydad before you enter the team, all the names, mini faces are of the players of Raja and Wydad. Also that glitch does not affect Raja and Wydad. I can make subs and exit team management. One last thing, I played a game of Volta Football with Hussania and then played a normal kickoff match. The bug was fixed I could make subs and exit team management. But right after the bug came back. This is all the info I gathered so far.
Hassania Agadir (the team) is litteraly a pain in ass, it's the 3 times I fix the sub problem, yeah before there was like 3 others teams having this issues (FAR Rabat, Berkane & Tanger), but I succes to fix them, Im gonna look at what I can do