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Any tutorial of creating face mod for FIFA 22?

Ey @lth19951021

Am no expert but, a good place to start shown on the video below.

I am also trying to find the best way to make good quality faces for free public.

From what I've seen the tools you have are whats being used. I do suspect there are better ways of making faces using other software other than shown in the video. Haven't figured it out yet.

No starhead/plugins found as yet.

I think you need to replace an existing face ID using your custom face/hair/beard etc in the editor tool, then export the modded project file to a .fmod file type. Import the .fmod file to FifaMod manager and launch Fifa through the modmanager. Once in the game use the LiveEditor/CheatTable to assign your generic head the modded face.

Visit the Fifa editor tool page, Aranactu Live Editor and Cheat Table forums for more info.
Please can you send other video this one got deleted?

Guys, I have this issue every time I import face model. I just exported face, imported Blender and exported from Blender. I didn't make any edit or sth. Is there anyone who knows a solution?
View attachment 118908

Guys, I have this issue every time I import face model. I just exported face, imported Blender and exported from Blender. I didn't make any edit or sth. Is there anyone who knows a solution?
Fix for Sauron eye bug or no lod make sure you have good naming
Hi guys! Y tried to make faces for the first time and when I import the meshes and textures this happened. How can I fix It? Thanks!