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Hey everyone,

My EAFC25 Realistic Gameplay Mod FREE version is here (V3 LITE)!



There are some CRUCIAL SETTINGS that MUST to be followed in order to get this mod set up correctly. If you fail to follow these steps you will end up with VERY strange gameplay behaviour.



Join my Patreon to access:

The latest and most up-to-date version of my mod (V5 + V5 'Full Gameplay Package'!

+ Multiple AIO standalone versions, including a SLOW and FAST version.

+ Join my hugely popular and ‘Full Gameplay Package’ to access over 250+ OPTIONS, allowing you to CUSTOMISE your own realistic gameplay experience (as well as two ALL NEW BONUS standalone versions 'Slow & Fluid', 'Fast & Fluid' and 'WILD CARD').

+ Exclusive access to my discord channel where you can chat with myself and many other like-minded people about the gameplay.

(The link is in my signature at the bottom)




IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE FREE VERSION: Please understand that many areas of the gameplay have since been added, worked on, updated and improved in the latest version of my mod.

This FREE version does have many changes to the gameplay, but there are also areas I had not reached at this point of development - please keep this in mind!


Remember, if the standalone mod has features that you don’t like, don’t conclude straight away that the mod isn’t for you - there is almost certainly an option or a version in the ‘Full Gameplay Package’ you can use to help fine-tune your experience.

The options and different versions in my Patreon membership allow you to ADJUST AND FINE-TUNE your gameplay experience.

There are currently over 250+ options allowing you to adjust every possible area of the gameplay.

These include multiple positioning ‘bases’, movement, pass and shooting speeds, errors, goalkeepers, FC IQ ‘bases’, tackling, fouls, physicality, pressing, ball physics, attributes, stamina, injuries, passing mechanics - the list goes on and on and on!

Spend the time exploring the folders and trying things for yourself and you will see that you can craft an experience to your taste!


Hope you enjoy guys!

To be clear, I have built this mod from the ground up, entirely myself.

Credit to Paulv2k for his amazing tools of course.

Last edited:
Review after a week with free version on legendary:
Players feel very sluggish to the point where its hard to even control the ball while running/dribbling, it feels alot more extreme than last year.
CPU is great, with alot of variation and random situations happening. However CPU defense is insane in difficult games because I can't control the ball well.
Passing is slower and with more error which is great, but passes will sometimes target players no where near where i aimed the pass. It will completely ignore how much force I use and try to pass to a player on the other side of the field, even though I just tapped the button. Playing with Assisted setting helps, but is very annoying

Any tips?