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Another player dies


Starting XI
A player in the DR Congo has collapsed and died on the pitch during a match in Kinshasa's first division super cup tournament.

Bokelo Bobali collapsed in the 83rd minute of his side, Okinawa's, game against Zaki Mwena on Wednesday.

The 25-year-old midfielder collapsed after a clash with an opposition player as they both jumped for a ball.

Bobali was rushed to hospital but a doctor confirmed his death before they could reach the hospital.

The actual cause of death has not yet been established.

Bobali's is the second such death in six months in the DR Congo, in October last year a player collapsed and died when medical services failed to reach him in time.

This latest incident came on the same day that Fifa announced plans to establish a medical research centre in response to a spate of heart-related deaths on football pitches across the globe.

World football's governing body president Sepp Blatter revealed the news on Wednesday two days after Slovene goalkeeper Nedzad Botonjic suddenly collapsed and died during training.

"We were very much touched by the event, when 28-year-old goalkeeper Botonjic died," Blatter said during a one-day trip to the Slovene capital, Ljubljana.

"We have called the national associations and the clubs to make sure that the players undergo controls," he added.

Blatter stressed the importance of cardiovascular testing, adding that Fifa will next month approve the establishment of a medical centre in the Swiss capital Zurich.

The centre will help uncover the reasons behind sudden deaths of top athletes, particularly during training or matches.

Similar centres will then be set up in other countries to help diagnose problems in advance, and prevent fatalities.

Botonjic was the latest in a series of heart-related deaths on sporting fields.

A year ago, Hungary international Miklos Feher collapsed while playing for Benfica and died, although his cause of death was still inconclusive.

Notably, Cameroon midfielder Marc-Vivien Foe died during the 2003 Confederations Cup in France.


Sigh, this like what, the 5th player to die on pitch?:(

#1 Stunna

The Alpha Mexican
the problem here is also the lack of tools needed to treat a player in these kind of situations.

Last weekend a player in the mexican league collapsed after being crushed by the goalie and a defender. He fell unconcious and started twitching on the ground, luckily every mexican league stadium has the latest life saving technology. (Y)


The Legend

They really need to start stepping up mesures to try and stop this tho. FIFA is loaded with cash, they should help the leagues in poorer nations buy the tools that could help.


Senior Squad
Holy sh*t, FIFA must investigate this cases, unfortunatelly it seems that is becoming usual to see a player dying in the pitch... RIP


Starting XI
wow sometimes i'am grateful i play FOOTBALL (NFL) rather then futbol. and its wierd that FUTBOL is more dangerous even thou its a contact sport :(

RIP :(


Reserve Team
This is ridiculous, too many players are dying. How about they start doing good medical checks and having proper medical equipment at the stadiums?:kader:



Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
its not down to the sport being dangerous. It's about people pushing themselves too far and not realising their limits. I know what its like to be obsessed with the game and want to my best but some people just keep going.



Senior Squad
Somethin is happening with football players, journalists say that right now football has become too overwhelming to players and physical charge has increased in this times ... playin matches 2 times at a week could be stressing and fatal for some players .

FIFA should do something bout this ... :kader: