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Adding Teams


Club Supporter
[QUOTE = "regularcat, post: 6498269, member: 63605"] Si no es posible reemplazarlo, ¿cómo tengo LA FC en mi juego y HJK Helsinki falta? [/ QUOTE]
y tienes problemas en modo carrera? yo he editado un equipo con el Maestro de la Creación, dentro de la herramienta y cuando quiero iniciar una carrera se vende el juego, perdon por mi inglés


Club Supporter
If replacing is not possible then how do I have LA FC in my game and HJK Helsinki missing ?

Hello Regularcat...please could you help me out with this? I was able to replace South Africa with Nigeria but in game commentary still calls the team South Africa. Is there anyway to fix this? I tried changing the team id to Croatia's original fifa 18 but I can't get kit and other stuff to work. So is there anyway to use and South Africa id for Nigeria without commentator calling the team South Africa?


Starting XI
I was able to replace South Africa with Nigeria but in game commentary still calls the team South Africa. Is there anyway to fix this?
I recall seeing team commentary values (or something) in the db tables, check that. But if you are creating a team that EA never added to the game, I doubt there are commentary commands for it. There may be null command values though (0 or -1); a number of league teams don't get their names announced at the start of a match.


Club Supporter
I recall seeing team commentary values (or something) in the db tables, check that. But if you are creating a team that EA never added to the game, I doubt there are commentary commands for it. There may be null command values though (0 or -1); a number of league teams don't get their names announced at the start of a match.

Okay Bangus thanks for the reply but when I checked the db the only values relating to commentary are club commentary names and commentary names.