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Adding Leagues and Teams

Can someone put me in the right direction. I’m new to modding fifa and trying to learn how it works. I know it’s possible to add new leagues and teams without replacing. Can somebody point me in the right direction please. I am planning on doing a big mod once I get used to these files.
Can someone put me in the right direction. I’m new to modding fifa and trying to learn how it works. I know it’s possible to add new leagues and teams without replacing. Can somebody point me in the right direction please. I am planning on doing a big mod once I get used to these files.
Hi mate, did you manage? I’m considering putting together a video series on how I’ve done certain mods showing you the full process with a website full of assets you can use. It might help you along the way
Hi mate, did you manage? I’m considering putting together a video series on how I’ve done certain mods showing you the full process with a website full of assets you can use. It might help you along the way
No it’s still a bit confusing. I can add teams, but the Compdata is where I really struggle.
Tutorial number 1 is up. I'll be uploading frequently now everything is set up. Compdata will be covered in episode 3/4
Thanks for being patient :)

Hi! I've seen all your tutorials but I couldn't find anything about adding missing team banners and flags. How can I add a banner_X folder with FIFA Editor into content/world/banner/textures ?
Hi! I've seen all your tutorials but I couldn't find anything about adding missing team banners and flags. How can I add a banner_X folder with FIFA Editor into content/world/banner/textures ?
hello, can you tell me how you added banners to your clubs?